Tag: Deportation

As many as 1 million Germans rallied against far-right extremism after a report revealed that leaders of the far-right party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), secretly discussed plans to deport foreigners, including German citizens.
In the wake of the October 7th massacre, both center-left leaders in Germany and top American Republicans are calling for the deportation of foreign nationals who support groups like Hamas.
Ladino singer and songwriter Sarah Aroeste has released an album that honors the lost Sephardic Jewish culture in Bitola, North Macedonia, formerly known as Monastir.
Allan Gerson, a federal prosecutor who worked at the Department of Justices Office of Special Investigations (OSI) tasked with prosecuting aged Nazi collaborators, recounts in his memoir "Lies That Matter" his struggle to explain his decision to his Holocaust survivor parents.
In "Occupation: The Law Gives and the Law Takes Away," human rights lawyer Michael Sfard examines the legal foundations of Israel's military occupation of Palestinians, including deportation, settlements, and torture policies.
The article discusses the significance of drawings created by Jewish individuals imprisoned by the Nazis during the Holocaust, showcased in the exhibit "Rendering Witness: Holocaust-Era Art as Testimony" at the Museum of Jewish Heritage.
The article discusses the case of Omar Shakir, the Israel-Palestine Director at Human Rights Watch, who faces deportation by the Israeli government due to his work exposing human rights abuses in the occupied territories.
Michael Sfard, a prominent human rights lawyer in Israel, explores the legal framework supporting the military occupation of Palestinians in his new book, "The Wall and the Gate."
Michael Sfard, a prominent human rights lawyer in Israel, discusses the legal framework of Israel's military occupation of Palestinians, covering issues like deportation, settlements, and torture in his book "The Wall and the Gate."
William Shatner expressed frustration over an interview by The Daily Beast where he mentioned not trying to get deported, in response to a question about a petition signed by his Star Trek castmates.
The discussion examines the parallel between illegal immigration issues faced in the United States today and the story of Ruth from the Book of Ruth, traditionally read during Shavuot.