Tag: Dreams

In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech during a time of intense turmoil, like the current challenges faced by the Jewish community.
In chapter 8 of the story "Picture This," a young couple, Yonah and Estee, experience tension over money and differing perspectives on supporting each other's dreams.
Jewish educators, particularly those with connections to Israel, have reported experiencing recurring nightmares and trauma related to the events of Oct. 7, likely triggered by visits to sites like Kfar Aza and conversations with survivors and families affected by terrorism.
In Jewish tradition, there are five things in our world that are one-sixtieth of their most extreme forms, including fire, honey, Shabbat, sleep, and dreams.
The Parashah of Mikketz delves into the significance of dreams in the Torah, portraying them as divine messages needing interpretation.
The text delves into the significance of the U-netaneh Tokef prayer in the High Holy Days liturgy, focusing on the phrase "ki-halom yauf" (like a fleeting dream) as a central theme.