Tag: Economic Impact

Amidst the debate over the charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community's exemption from military service in Israel, Sefardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef suggested that charedim might leave the country rather than be drafted, prompting public responses suggesting support for their departure.
Israel's Tourism Minister Haim Katz and director general Danny Shahar are encouraging Jewish and Christian supporters to resume visiting Israel amid ongoing conflicts in Gaza and rocket fire from Hezbollah.
The author addresses a reader's accusation of an "unnatural fixation" on Charedim (ultra-Orthodox Jews) and explains that their criticisms of Charedi society are not rare or unnatural.
The text discusses the concern over rising gas prices due to OPEC+ planning to reduce oil production, posing a challenge for the Biden administration.
Financial expert David Bahnsen discusses the impact of COVID on the economy, highlighting that the real threat for the future is deflation rather than inflation.
In a discussion series pondering if New York City is declining, the focus of this episode is on Broadway, which halted its live theater performances on March 12, impacting the city's economy significantly.
Hasia Diner's book "Roads Taken" explores the challenging and significant role of Jewish peddlers in forging new communities across the world in the 19th and 20th centuries.