Tag: Ethnic Cleansing

The text explores the misinterpretation and misuse of certain words and terms during the Israel-Hamas conflict from a Jewish perspective.
Jewish U.S. Army Major Harrison Mann recently resigned in protest of U.S. support for Israel's actions in the war against Hamas in Gaza, drawing on his family's Holocaust history and moral principles.
The Israel/Palestinian conflict has its core in historical events dating back to the early 20th century, when Jewish refugees sought a homeland in Palestine, which was met with resistance by the local Arab population.
Tony Kushner, a prominent American Jewish artist, criticizes Israel's actions in Gaza, likening them to ethnic cleansing.
In his book "The End of Israel: Dispatches from a Path to Catastrophe," Bradley Burston criticizes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for leading Israel towards a destructive path, desiring accusations of genocide, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing to maintain power by presenting himself as the savior against a hostile world.
In this article, Daniel Sokatch discusses recent calls by Israeli politicians for the "voluntary emigration" of Palestinians, particularly those in Gaza.
In the article, the author discusses the abuse and misrepresentation of certain words during the Israel-Hamas war.
The article discusses the controversial documentary film, "Israelism," which gives voice to young American Jews who criticize the pro-Israel community for not providing them with a fuller picture of the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
In this article, Rabbi Jay Michaelson argues that the far-right members of Benjamin Netanyahu's government, including National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, should be removed from power.
Actor Melissa Barrera lost her role in the Scream franchise for promoting an antisemitic trope accusing Jews of controlling the media.
In this interview, Mohammed Zraiy, a Palestinian living in Gaza, describes the dire situation on the ground, with no electricity, internet, medicine, or basic supplies due to Israeli bombardment.
The article discusses the incoherence and distortions often found in pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel rhetoric.
The text is a poetic reflection on the tragedy of the Srebrenica genocide, drawing parallels to other instances of mass killings and genocides throughout history, including the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide.
The article discusses the changing perspective among historians on the role of ordinary Poles in the Holocaust.
In this discussion, Jewish scholars Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain examine the increasing criminalization of Israel and the accusations of apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide made against the country by liberal American Jews.
"Roundabout of Death" is a novel by Faysal Khartash that provides a realistic and minimalist account of the war in Syria, particularly in Aleppo.
In this podcast episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida, Sally Abed, and Noah Efron discuss three main topics.
In this podcast, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida, Sally Abed, and Noah Efron discuss the tragic incident at Mount Meron where 45 people died and debate who or what is to blame.
The author laments the manipulation of Palestinians by terrorist organizations and criticizes those who prioritize condemning Israel over acknowledging the suffering of Palestinians.
Robert Bank, President and CEO of American Jewish World Service, highlights the urgent Jewish responsibility to aid the persecuted Rohingya people, drawing parallels to Jewish historical persecution.
The article discusses the forgotten tragedy of the pogroms in the Russian Empire between 1917 and 1922, considered by some as a genocide, which resulted in the murder of an estimated 100,000 Jews and the displacement of two million.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss Netanyahu's claims of Palestinian advocacy for ethnic cleansing of Jewish settlers, his compromised railway maintenance policy upsetting the Opposition, and the notion that Israeli internet discourse is particularly harsh due to reactions against leftist media.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu highlighted that the Palestinian Authority seeks a state free of Jews, prompting criticism from various quarters including the U.N. and the Anti-Defamation League.