Tag: Evangelical Christians

Robert Alter criticizes Donald Trump's "USA Bible," a version of the Bible being sold for $59.99, which includes patriotic elements like the pledge of allegiance and constitution.
The article discusses the support for Jews and Israel from the political left and right.
In this article, the author explores the concept of dispensationalism in Christian Zionism, which is the belief that the return of Jews to the Holy Land is hastening the apocalypse and the Second Coming of Christ.
John Hagee is a prominent Christian Zionist pastor and the head of Christians United for Israel, one of the largest pro-Israel lobbies in the US.
The birth of a red heifer in Israel has sparked excitement among some Jewish and Evangelical Christian groups who believe it is a sign that the Third Temple will be built, heralding the messianic era or the End Times.
"The Chosen," a popular Christian TV show about Jesus and his disciples, brings a unique focus on Judaism to the portrayal of early Christianity by highlighting Jesus' Jewish roots and the Jewish context of his followers' lives.
The article discusses David French's mission to encourage evangelical Christians to shed their partisan identity and focus on their religious identity.
In this episode of Soul Cycles, Mark interviews Mark Galli about the fallout of his controversial editorial on President Trump in Christianity Today before his retirement.
A poll showed that 65% of American Christians and 64% of Americans overall found it inappropriate for President Trump to sign the cover of a Bible in early March, as reported by Religion News Service.