Tag: Executive Order

In this article, Dr. Mitchell Bard discusses President Joe Biden's executive order declaring a national emergency to combat settler violence in the West Bank.
President Biden has issued an executive order imposing financial sanctions on Israeli settlers in the West Bank who have been carrying out violent assaults against Palestinians.
President Joe Biden has signed an executive order to impose sanctions on Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank who have engaged in violence against Palestinians.
The text discusses Joe Biden's executive order on student loans, questioning the policy's merits and whether it is merely a political stunt.
The leading Democratic candidates running for mayor of New York City are mostly opposed to the BDS movement, with seven out of eight candidates saying they would consider visiting Israel if elected.
The podcast "People of the Pod" covers three main topics: the aftermath of the UK general election, where Esther Offenberg shares insights on the feelings of the British Jewish community following the Conservative Party's win; Marc Stern discusses President Trump's executive order targeting antisemitism on college campuses; and Raoul Wootliff explains the reasons behind Israel's upcoming third election in a year.
Gary Cohn, a former Goldman Sachs executive who heads President Trump's National Economic Council, is planning to issue executive orders aimed at weakening financial regulations established under the Dodd-Frank Act.
In response to President Trump's Executive Order on immigration, the podcast team at "Unorthodox" felt compelled to share their reflections on how the order contradicts Jewish values and their own immigrant experiences.