Tag: Finance

Igor Meystelman, a debt specialist, provides insight into the world of debt and credit cards in an episode of Kosher Money, sharing eye-opening stories about the hidden financial struggles many people face.
In chapter 8 of the story "Picture This," a young couple, Yonah and Estee, experience tension over money and differing perspectives on supporting each other's dreams.
Edith Everett, a 94-year-old woman, is a remarkable individual who sees opportunities instead of obstacles and works tirelessly to improve the lives of others.
A woman in her mid-30s is dating a man who earns significantly less than her and is questioning whether their relationship can work.
A recent report by CNN reveals alarming statistics on antisemitism in Europe, with one-third of Europeans lacking knowledge about the Holocaust, one-fourth believing Jews have excessive influence in finance, and one-fifth thinking Jews wield undue power in the media and global politics.
"Values Investing" by Jonathan Gross discusses the moral lessons found in the investment advice of Warren Buffett, reflecting on concepts such as honesty and respect in both finance and Torah.