Tag: Frum

Penina, a college student, befriends Rivi, a frum girl with her life meticulously planned.
"The Rabbi's Daughter" recounts a visit to Yerushalayim with the author's parents who recently made aliyah.
When faced with challenges in hiring a new secretary without the expense of recruiter fees, the author turned to various methods without success until their own eleven-year-old daughter unexpectedly found the perfect candidate through a prayer request from a play director.
The Shiur titled "Everyone should be a shadchan – how to set up a shidduch" discusses whether everyone should be involved in setting up shidduchim and the challenges involved.
The discussion explores the challenges and dilemmas faced by Haredi individuals regarding military conscription, particularly focusing on the possibility of maintaining religious observance while serving in the IDF.
This article discusses the experiences of Adriana Fernandez, a non-Jewish nanny who has become knowledgeable about Jewish customs and traditions through her work with Orthodox Jewish families in Florida.