Tag: Geopolitics

The text is an open letter addressed to former friends who have shifted towards extreme left views in support of the Palestinian cause, leading to the writer's disillusionment and the end of those friendships.
The text discusses the challenges Israel faces in achieving a so-called "total victory" over Hamas and other adversaries due to complex geopolitics and international dynamics.
In a recent episode of Israel GPS, hosts Yonit and Jonathan interviewed Fareed Zakaria, a renowned analyst and CNN host, to discuss the ongoing conflict in Israel, including international criticism following an air strike in Rafah and a call from The Hague to cease operations.
The article discusses how Talmudic teachings can offer insights into the Israel-Hamas war and its impact.
Eva Illouz, a renowned sociologist, discusses the profound impact of the Hamas massacre in Israel and the subsequent military response.
The article discusses why many liberals misunderstand Israel.
As Israel focuses on fighting Hamas in Gaza, there are increasing concerns about a potential war with the Lebanese terror group, Hezbollah.
Bernard-Henri Lévy's film, "Glory to the Heroes," is the third installment in his trilogy covering the war in Ukraine.
The author reflects on their experience as a non-Jewish person amid the recent attacks by Hamas and discusses the importance of allyship during this time.
The article discusses the potential impact of the Hispanic community on Israel's future and the need for Israel to engage with Spanish-speaking audiences.
The article discusses the war in Ukraine as the first proxy war in the current Cold War between the US and post-Soviet Russia.
The article discusses the evolving dynamics of the United States' relationships with Germany and Japan.
The author argues that the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement, negotiated by the Obama administration, was a strategic mistake.
Saudi Arabia's shocking 2-1 victory over Argentina in the World Cup has political and diplomatic implications for the kingdom.
This article highlights the disconnect between the perception and reality of America's competition with China.
The author argues that the US has played a role in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia by using Ukraine as a weapon against Russia, destabilizing the region and putting Ukrainian lives at risk.
This article discusses the recent actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding Ukraine.
In this podcast episode, Michael Doran discusses the strategic importance of Azerbaijan.
Fred Kagan discusses the geopolitical implications of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in various media outlets.
In a recent podcast, the discussion covered the ideological challenges from the Left against Israel, political controversies surrounding the January 6 commission, and updates on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
In this article, Gottesman and Reichman explore the lessons that can be learned for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the Nagorno Karabakh dispute, as well as Israel's relationships with Azerbaijan and Armenia.
The text discusses the changing geopolitical landscape in the Middle East with a focus on the warming relations between Sunni states and Israel.
Sarit Zehavi, founder and CEO of Alma Research and Education Center in Israel, closely monitors security issues on Israel's northern border, particularly concerning Hezbollah activities.
Amid Israel's involvement in the Azeri-Armenian conflict over Ngorno-Karabakh, it maintains a strategic balance, considering its alliance with Azerbaijan for defense interests and its stance on potential diplomatic entanglements with Russia due to conflicting interests.