Tag: Holocaust Survivor

In this episode of The Book of Schmutz, the hosts interview Jackie Hoffman, who plays Yenta in a Yiddish production of Fiddler on the Roof, and Motl Didner, the associate artistic director of the National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene.
"Black Honey, The Life and Poetry of Avraham Sutzkever" is a documentary highlighting the story of Avraham Sutzkever, a prominent Yiddish poet who survived the Holocaust and continued to create powerful work afterward.
Scott Shay, a banker heavily involved in Jewish community work, noticed a lack of understanding about the concept of God among Jewish youth influenced by New Atheist writers like Dawkins and Harris.
Ernst Barbakoff, a former child prodigy turned elderly piano teacher, spends his mornings in the library recounting his past to Miss Virginia, the librarian.
The Forward recently received 66 cartoons by Paul Markison, a survivor of Dachau and longtime cartoonist for the paper.
In "Rolling Up a Different Kind of Strudel," the text discusses the Hungarian cabbage strudel, a traditional recipe popular in Hungary that was adapted by Hungarian Jews due to kosher dietary laws.
Holocaust survivor Eva Mozes Kor, who was experimented on by Dr. Josef Mengele in Auschwitz, shared in a widely viewed video her decision to forgive Mengele and other Nazis.
David Grossman's novel "A Horse Walks into a Bar" tells the story of comedian Dov Greenstein's final stand-up show in a seedy club, where he performs a dark and unsettling routine that blurs the line between comedy and tragedy, exposing his own emotional and physical vulnerabilities.
WWE entertainer Paul Heyman, who is Jewish and has a personal connection to the Holocaust through his mother, recited a few lines of the Kaddish prayer to symbolically mourn his opponent Goldberg before a wrestling match.
Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate known for his activism and writings, passed away at the age of 87.
Elie Wiesel, a struggling journalist in 1957, embarked on a healing six-week road trip across America with his editor and wife, discovering the country's natural beauty and diverse cultures.
Tibor Rubin, a Hungarian Jew and Holocaust survivor, endured horrors at Mauthausen concentration camp before immigrating to the U.S. where he enlisted in the Army during the Korean War.
Holocaust survivor and Schindler's List producer Branko Lustig, aged 83, is donating his Oscar statuette to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial and museum in Jerusalem, stating that it is where the award should be kept after his death.
"Safekeeping" by Jessamyn Hope is a novel that intricately weaves together personal narratives with historical and political dimensions against the backdrop of a kibbutz in northern Israel.
Martin Greenfield is a renowned figure in mens fashion, having tailored suits for top personalities like President Obama and celebrities such as Michael Jackson and Johnny Depp.
Sir Nicholas Winton, a British hero, saved nearly 700 Czech and Slovak Jewish children before World War II, a story captured in the documentary "Nickys Family."
Henry Kissinger, a significant figure in American history and foreign policy, celebrates his 90th birthday amidst both admiration and criticism.
Arthur Goldreich, an undercover ANC operative and close collaborator of Nelson Mandela, was imprisoned by the South African government in 1963, escaped, and sought refuge in Israel, becoming a vocal opponent of apartheid.
Israeli writer Etgar Keret recounts his upcoming journey to Warsaw to visit a narrow home being built for him, symbolizing his family's connection to the city.