Tag: Holocaust Survivor

In this conversation with Holocaust survivor Manfred Lindenbaum, he shares his remarkable story of escaping on the Kindertransport to England at the age of seven and the challenges he faced throughout his life.
Since the terror attack on October 7, Israelis and diaspora Jews have begun embracing and reinventing the Star of David as a symbol of pride and identity.
Several menorahs crafted from materials retrieved from the Oct. 7 attack in Israel have been lit up for Hanukkah, symbolizing light, unity, and the perseverance of the Jewish people.
Despite growing up with a sense of inferiority about the simplicity of Ashkenazi Ukrainian-Russian cuisine, the author rediscovers the importance of their great grandmother Rosalia's recipes, which were influenced by her Jewish heritage but hidden during the Soviet era.
Tamir Hershkovitz, the youngest of three orphaned siblings whose parents were killed in an attack on October 7, returned to their devastated home in Kibbutz Beeri to light a menorah that survived the attack.
Omer Benjakob, a technology correspondent at Haaretz, discusses the disinformation war happening online where Israel is losing.
Nearly 300,000 Israel supporters gathered on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., for the March for Israel, making it the largest such gathering in U.S. history.
Canadian social worker Joy Frenkiel, a resident of Ramat Gan, Israel, assists bereaved families in identifying the remains of victims of Hamas attacks.
During an official ceremony in the Canadian House of Commons, lawmakers gave two standing ovations to a 98-year-old former Ukrainian soldier who had served with a Nazi unit during World War II, causing scandal and outrage.
Rabbi Moshe Yitzchak (Ies) Vorst, the founder of Chabad-Lubavitch in the Netherlands, passed away at the age of 85.
The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) is providing food packages containing traditional holiday items to thousands of impoverished Jews in Ukraine and across the former Soviet Union ahead of the Jewish New Year.
"The Promise" is a children's picture book that explores the enduring friendship between a Jewish boy named Moshe and a Muslim boy named Hassan.
The podcast "Conversations We Love" features an episode with Jonathan Freedland, a celebrated author of "The Escape Artist," a bestselling book that tells the story of a man who escaped Auschwitz to expose its horrors.
Yael Rasooly, a puppet artist and performer, uses her shows to explore themes of trauma, love, and the relationship between dreams and reality.
Ed Asner's final film, The Tiger Within, features a nuanced and memorable performance by the late actor.
In his book "Elie Wiesel: Confronting the Silence," Joseph Berger offers the first English-language biography of Elie Wiesel, the renowned Jewish intellectual and Holocaust author.
Jean Amry (formerly Hans Mayer) was a Jewish man from rural Austria who experienced the horrors of the Holocaust and became an outspoken critic of antisemitism and anti-Zionism.
In this personal essay, the author recounts their journey to buy a headstone for a Holocaust survivor named Josef Hamerman.
In the upcoming Alberta election, Premier Danielle Smith of the United Conservative Party faces challenges by former premier Rachel Notley, with the outcome uncertain due to controversies surrounding Smith.
Elon Musk recently tweeted that George Soros reminds him of Magneto, a character from the X-Men comics who can manipulate metal with his mind.
Rivka Basman Ben-Hayim, a Yiddish poet and Holocaust survivor, passed away recently in Israel.
This article discusses the significance of the Torah portion Parshat Yitro and its connection to Jewish Father-in-Laws Day.
Major General (Res.) Amos Yadlin, a distinguished Israeli fighter pilot and former head of the IDF Military Intelligence Directorate, shared insights in an interview with Tablet Magazine about his close friend Ilan Ramon, Israel's first astronaut.
In this column, two stories of kindness are highlighted.
Eva Mozes Kor, a survivor of Auschwitz, forgave Nazi doctor Josef Mengele despite the atrocities he committed.