Tag: Individuality

"The Secret That Is Not a Secret: Ten Heretical Tales" is a collection of short stories by Jay Michaelson that explores the struggles of individuals in Jewish communities to reconcile their inner desires with societal norms.
Ishay Ribo's rendition of the Yom Kippur Temple service, Seder ha-Avodah, has garnered immense popularity for blending secular and religious themes and focusing on the emotional dynamics of leadership and individuality during Yom Kippur.
The author discusses the symbolism of the four species used during Sukkot, traditionally representing different types of Jews and emphasizing the importance of individuality while being part of a unified community.
During the High Holidays between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the theme of God often emerges in psychotherapy sessions as individuals grapple with questions of belief, observance, and the meaning of life.