Tag: Intermarriage

The text delves into the challenges facing the American Jewish community, emphasizing the growing trend of political homelessness among American Jews as they find it increasingly difficult to align with either major political party, particularly due to shifts in support for Israel.
In "The Burnt Pot," the author explores themes of assimilation, identity, and Jewish continuity through the lens of characters in Zadie Smith's novel "White Teeth" and Jewish writings.
The text discusses the changing status of Jews in America over time, focusing on the concepts of melting pot and cultural pluralism as applied to the Jewish community.
In his controversial commencement speech at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Los Angeles, Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Michael Chabon called for breaking down barriers, including Israeli security checkpoints, and questioned traditional Jewish distinctions and practices.
Uzi Rebhun's analysis in "Jews and the American Religious Landscape" delves into American Jewry's demographics, intermarriage, socioeconomic status, religious identification, and political orientation.
Despite historical concerns about diminishing Jewish identity echoed in publications like Look magazine 50 years ago and the recent Pew Research report, the American Jewish community has actually grown and diversified, with over 7 million individuals now identifying as Jewish in the U.S.
The article discusses the recent speculation in Reform circles about whether Moses intermarried with Tziporah and the implications of such a claim in the context of contemporary intermarriage trends among Jews.
A new analysis of Pew data on the American Jewish population highlights an increase in those identifying as atheist, agnostic, or having no particular religion, particularly among younger generations, mirroring broader American trends.
Peter Beinart's book "The Crisis of Zionism" addresses the disconnect between young, liberal American Jews and Israel, arguing that the American Jewish establishment's unwavering support for Israel despite its policies is alienating the next generation.
Multiple Jewish newspapers cover a variety of topics, including an article in Boston's Jewish Advocate about 29-year-old Shi Lei's efforts to revamp Kaifeng's ancient Jewish community in China, the Orthodox Union's decision to abstain from a resolution supporting a two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the celebration of St. Patrick's Day by Irish-Jewish expats in a piece by Connecticut's Jewish Ledger.