Tag: Israel Advocacy

Larry Nussbaum, a dedicated pediatrician turned radiologist known for his cutting-edge work at Liberty Hospital in Kansas City, passed away at 77.
Jamil Dakwar, a human rights lawyer and former senior attorney with Adalah, will be the guest speaker discussing international court cases against Israel.
Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America, has named 18 American women as exceptional Zionists in a diverse list that includes individuals from various backgrounds and professions, such as actress Debra Messing and poet Tova Ricardo.
David Bernstein, author of "Woke Anti-Semitism," highlights the challenges facing the Jewish community due to amplified bigotry and the intersection of progressive ideology.
Anthony P. DEsposito, a Republican Congressman representing New York's 4th Congressional District, has been vocal in his support for Israel, emphasizing the importance of strong leadership and resources to combat anti-Semitism and support Jewish causes.
The writer reflects on their experiences visiting Brown University and attending a rally at Columbia University amidst tensions related to the war in Gaza.
OpenDor Media, led by Noam Weissman, aims to engage young people in Jewish and Israeli topics through Unpacked, offering videos, podcasts, and articles that provide balanced perspectives on issues like Israel, the Middle East conflict, and anti-Semitism.
Senator Joe Lieberman, who recently passed away, was a man known for his integrity, bipartisanship, and devotion to his faith and family.
Students at Hunter College, including Gideon Askowitz, have been facing increasing antisemitism on campus.
Matisyahu, the reggae artist known for incorporating Judaism into his music, has accused consecutive venues of canceling his shows because of antisemitism.
Yal Eisenstat, a top executive at the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), has left the organization due to disagreements with CEO Jonathan Greenblatt.
The author raises concerns about the failures of American Jewish communal leadership.
Elon Musk has singled out the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in response to their attempts to encourage an advertiser boycott of his social media platform, X (formerly known as Twitter), in order to curb hate speech.
This article discusses the need to engage younger Jews in a more personal and individualized way when it comes to Israel advocacy.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is teaming up with the historically Jewish fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi) to tackle antisemitism on college campuses.
Hillel Ontario has identified engaging Jewish students and addressing their most pressing needs as a top priority.
Ted Deutch, the former U.S. Representative and current CEO of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), discusses his upbringing and Jewish values that inform his advocacy work.
This article argues for a more complex and inclusive approach to Israel education in Modern Orthodox schools.
The text explores the decline in the relationship between American universities and the Jewish community, particularly focusing on discrimination against Jewish students and a shift away from values of critical inquiry and rational thought.
AJC Passport recently marked Israel's 70th anniversary by engaging with three prominent figures: Tzipi Livni, a Member of Knesset and former Foreign Minister, offered a political perspective; Francine Klagsbrun, a historian and activist, provided a historical analysis through the lens of her biography of Golda Meir; and David Harris, CEO of AJC, shared insights as an advocate for Israel.