Tag: Jerusalem

This article discusses how a religious Jewish woman in Jerusalem copes with the tragedy and pain surrounding the recent massacre of Israelis.
The author reflects on the growing fear and distrust between Jews and Arab-Israeli citizens in Jerusalem.
Sami Abu Dayyeh, a Palestinian hotel owner in Jerusalem, remains optimistic about the future despite ongoing conflict.
Canadian toymaker Ronnen Harary, co-founder of the renowned toy company Spin Master, has been actively supporting Israeli children, soldiers, and hospitals.
The article describes moments of connection and the atmosphere in Israel during a week of war with Hamas.
Mai Gutman, a 28-year-old graduate student and IDF reservist, narrowly escaped the brutal attack at the Supernova music festival near Israel's border with Gaza.
In the midst of a rocket attack from the Gaza Strip, a couple in Jerusalem decided to proceed with their wedding, albeit on a smaller scale and in a community garden.
As the conflict in Israel escalates, the death toll rises, prompting reflections on the nature of evil.
Hamas launched an attack on Israel called 'Al-Aqsa Flood,' citing defense of the Aqsa Mosque and opposition to Israeli aggression and control in the region as motivations.
The podcast episode "Who By Fire" discusses a recent incident in Jerusalem where ultra-Orthodox Jews spat at Christian worshippers, prompting widespread condemnation.
During World War II, the rabbis of Jerusalem received a urgent telegram from Kobe, Japan, asking which day Jews should fast on Yom Kippur.
As part of an Israeli-government-led initiative to reduce traffic congestion, an autonomous helicopter taxi made its first 30-minute test flight over Jerusalem.
Rabbi Shlomo Goren, the chief rabbi of the Israeli Defense Forces, had two significant experiences blowing the shofar in historic locations.
The birth of a red heifer in Israel has sparked excitement among some Jewish and Evangelical Christian groups who believe it is a sign that the Third Temple will be built, heralding the messianic era or the End Times.
Yehonatan Indursky, the co-creator of the popular show Shtisel, has recently announced that he identifies as haredi Orthodox once again.
Tens of thousands of Israelis gathered in Jerusalem to demonstrate in favor of judicial reform, protesting against the Supreme Court's decision to interfere in legislation related to the reform.
Osama Abuirshaid, executive director of American Muslims for Palestine, has admitted to exploiting the trial period of the U.S. Visa Waiver Program, which his organization has been working to block Israel from joining.
The documentary "Israelism" explores the relationship between the American Jewish population and the state of Israel, challenging the pro-Israel upbringing that many American Jews have received.
An Israeli Border Police officer was shot and lightly wounded in a shooting attack in the West Bank near the Argaman junction.
Dr. Marik Shtern of the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research explores the complex nature of Jerusalem as both a segregated and integrated city in Israel/Palestine in his paper Shared Spaces in Contested Cities.
In this discussion, Dr. Marik Shtern, a political geographer and research fellow, examines the paper he co-authored on shared spaces in contested cities, focusing on the case of Jerusalem.
A 22-year-old Israeli man was moderately wounded in a stabbing attack at a light rail station in central Jerusalem.
In an interview with Abbot Nikodemus Schnabel, the head of Jerusalem's Dormition Abbey, several topics related to Christian life in Israel were discussed.
Abbot Nikodemus Schnabel, the leader of Jerusalems Dormition Abbey, discusses various aspects of Christian life in Israel, including the challenges faced by migrant workers.
Despite the ongoing protests and political upheaval in Israel, tourists and visitors to popular sites like the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and Tel Aviv's Rothschild Boulevard remain largely unaffected.