Tag: Jewish Family Life

The story "And Flowers Bloom Even Then" depicts a conversation between two sisters, Leahle and Rechy.
Rabbi Jacob Kohn and other Jewish leaders in the early to mid-20th century expressed concerns about absent fathers in synagogues and their lack of involvement in Jewish family life.
The video tells the inspiring story of a single mother who successfully created a blended family after her separation, and now empowers others to do the same.
The author, a mother of four, reflects on her challenging journey through secondary infertility, highlighting the emotional toll and struggles she faced while trying to expand her family.
The video explores Vivi and her husband's journey of strength and faith as they navigate raising a family despite facing the loss of four children due to a genetic disorder.
The article addresses a woman's dilemma where her husband forbids her from informing their family about his job loss due to financial struggles.
The upcoming biopic "Back to Black" about Amy Winehouse explores the vulnerable star's life, particularly focusing on the period between her albums "Frank" and "Back to Black."
The Family First Inbox shares personal experiences and reflections related to familial dynamics, stress management, and emotional challenges.
In this chapter of "Trust Fund," Libby finds it amusing that her in-laws dislike her daughter's new hobby.
Parashat Vayetze explores the significance of the mandrake in Torah, a plant with potential magical and aphrodisiac properties.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Doron Perez, executive chairman of the Mizrachi World Movement, shares his personal experiences of having one son injured in a Hamas terror attack and another son missing and possibly held hostage.
The author reflects on her experience of losing her parents and the role her daughter played in her process of grief.
The article explores the impact of divorce on children, drawing from a personal account and observations from an Orthodox mental health professional.
The text discusses the relationship between the author's father, a successful novelist, and his godfather, a poet.
Anxiety is increasingly prevalent among children, with many Orthodox Jewish families seeking professional help.
The text discusses the life and writing of Glikl bas Judah Leib, a 17th-century Yiddish writer known for her unique memoirs.
The author, Leslie, used to find great meaning in attending shul on Yom Kippur, with its emotional highs and routines, feeling a sense of doing the right thing.
Mitch Albom, a former member of Temple Beth Shalom's USY chapter, became a successful author after his early days as a musician in a band.