Tag: Jewish History

The Forward Archives, founded in 1897, contain a wide range of historical material in Yiddish and English.
The Vatican Library houses a collection of richly annotated Bible manuscripts, shedding light on the way people in the Middle Ages engaged with the text.
The article explores the themes of destiny, tradition, and inner voice in the Disney film "Moana" and draws parallels to Jewish history and identity.
Professor Louis Feldman, remembered fondly for his unique teaching style and expertise as a Harvard-trained classicist, made significant contributions to the study of Jewish writers in classical literature, particularly Josephus.
In "The Story of Hebrew," Lewis Glinert presents Hebrew as a language with a rich and complex history, detailing its survival and evolution over centuries.
Isaac Deutscher, a former Gerer Hasid who became a prominent Marxist journalist and historian, underwent a transformative journey from his Jewish roots to a secular worldview.
Saul Friedländer's memoirs, "When Memory Comes" and "Where Memory Leads," delve into his experience as a Holocaust survivor and his struggles with memory, identity, and trauma.
Jonathan Levi's novel "Septimania" tells the story of Malory, a British organ-tuner who discovers he is a descendant of the Jewish exilarch of Baghdad, Charlemagne, and Harun al-Rashid, inheriting diverse legacies.
Actor David Duchovny talks about his novel "Bucky F*cking Dent," shares insights on his X-Files character Mulder's take on James Comey, and mentions his unpublished Yale Ph. D. thesis.
The text discusses the discovery and importance of the Aish Kodesh, a collection of sermons by Rabbi Kalonymus Kalmish Shapiro during the Holocaust.
The article discusses the challenge of maintaining a mistake-free transmission of the Torah within the Jewish nation despite human fallibility.
The text discusses the Jewish past of Salonica (now Thessaloniki) and the ongoing struggle to remember and honor it amidst desecration and anti-Semitism.
During the tumultuous years leading up to and during the Holocaust in Europe, Rabbi Kalman Chameides of Katowice, Poland, played a significant role in safeguarding Jewish children.
The text discusses the concept of Jewish excellence through the lens of three influential figures: David Ben-Gurion, Leo Strauss, and Joseph Soloveitchik.
The menorah, with its 3000-year history and intricate design, holds a unique place as a religious symbol.
The text discusses the nature of jokes, particularly in Jewish culture, contrasting the serenity advocated by Epicurus with the prevalent irony, skepticism, and criticism found in Jewish thought.
The article discusses the Metropolitan Museum of Art's exhibition "Jerusalem 1000-1400: Every People Under Heaven," focusing on the diverse and crowded nature of medieval Jerusalem.
Sandy Lee's journey into making traditional German lebkuchen cookies led her to found Leckerlee, a business selling authentic lebkuchen.
For over 1,400 years, the Oral Torah was passed down orally and forbidden to be written down in a finalized form.
Four Polish cousins, Fania Blakay, Gennadi Band, Henia Moskowitz, and Rywka Patchnik, all believed their family had perished in the Holocaust until a surprising reunion proved them wrong.
Professor Jeffrey S. Gurock from Yeshiva University in New York highlights his book "The Jews of Harlem: The Rise, Decline, and Revival of a Jewish Community," delving into the history of Harlem as the third-largest Jewish community in the US.
TanakhCast #94, titled "The Ancient Queen of Cush Edition," explores 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, starting from Genesis and progressing through 2 Chronicles.
Philipp Jaff, a prominent historian of medieval Germany in the 19th century, is known for his significant contributions to the field.
The podcast explores the complex relationship between the written and oral Torah, arguing that the intricate connection between the two surpasses human capability, suggesting a divine origin for the Torah.
The text discusses the uncovering of predictions in the Torah that have come true and questions how a human author could have known about the future, highlighting the concept of an eternal Jewish nation.