Tag: Jewish Holidays

R.L. Stine, known for his iconic Goosebumps series and considered the Stephen King of children's literature, shared insights on his career and Jewish upbringing in a recent interview.
The author reflects on a personal dilemma when her husband wanted to break the Yom Kippur fast early to accommodate his migraine, while she preferred to wait until the traditional time.
Shavuot, a holiday celebrating the Jewish connection to the Torah, often focuses on dairy foods like cheese blintzes and cheesecakes.
This article delves into the author's journey from embracing Orthodox Judaism to struggling with anorexia as a teenager.
The author recounts her journey of converting to Judaism and the pivotal role the ritual bath, mikveh, played in her conversion process despite initial reservations.
The article highlights some of the best Jewish children's books from 2013, focusing on engaging reads rather than purely educational ones.
The author discusses their journey of discovering Jewish culinary traditions through personal experiences and relationships.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on her experience as a single woman during Sukkot, a holiday typically focused on family and harvest.
The article discusses the unique relationship between Purim and Pesach, highlighting their proximity on the calendar despite being far apart linearly.
Tu B'Shevat, the Jewish New Year for trees, is a holiday celebrating nature, but unlike romantic poets like Wordsworth who revere nature for its own sake, Jewish texts view nature as a manifestation of God's artistry.
The author describes how their experience of Tisha B'Av three years ago marked a significant turning point in their life.
The author reflects on her experience as a stepmother to her husband's two daughters and how family vacations have played a crucial role in navigating the complexities of their blended family life.
The author shares their preference for Shavuot over Passover, particularly due to their affinity for mystical aspects of Judaism, influenced by the writings of Abraham Joshua Heschel.
Shemini Atzeret, following Sukkot, marks the beginning of praying for rain, while Simchat Torah celebrates the conclusion and restarting of the Torah reading cycle with joyous festivities.
Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement, occurring on September 27-28 in 2020, where Jews fast, repent, and seek forgiveness for sins.
Honey holds a special place in Jewish culinary tradition and symbolism, commonly used during Rosh Hashanah for its sweet connotations of a good year ahead.
Sukkot holds a unique place among Jewish holidays, embodying a double identity that reflects both repentance and growth.
Rabbi Joshua Berman examines the lack of emotional connection many feel towards Tisha B'Av and the concept of mourning the destruction of the Temple.