Tag: Jewish Holidays

Tu be-Av, a day described by the Mishnah as one of the happiest in the Jewish calendar, has its origins intertwined with a story in the Book of Judges about the tragic events surrounding the concubine of Givah.
In October 2011, progressive Jewish congregations in NYC held a Sukkot service at Occupy Wall Street, blending ancient traditions with modern-day social justice issues.
The text discusses the concept of a Jewish detox cycle, reframing traditional fast days like Tisha B'Av as opportunities for spiritual and physical cleansing.
Veganism has been gaining popularity in Israel, with approximately 5% of adults and 8% of teenagers identifying as vegan.
"Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins" challenges the idea of a singular, canonical Hanukkah story by introducing goblins and magical elements into the narrative.
In this episode, Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Allison Kaplan Sommer discuss three main topics: the controversy over an Israeli musician covering his eyes with duct tape to avoid seeing women dancing and whether this should be condemned, the struggle of Israel's Left to convey their patriotism effectively to fellow citizens, and the diminishing importance of Hanukkah as a Zionist and political holiday in Israel.
This text offers a diverse array of Chanukah recipes from culinary experts Joan Nathan and Paula Shoyer, drawing inspiration from Jewish cuisine around the world.
The list of the best Jewish children's books of 2017 showcases diversity, moving beyond Holocaust and shtetl narratives to present Jewish characters in various settings and experiences.
The text discusses how Zionism played a role in reviving the tradition of using etrogim (citrons) in America.
Jamie Geller shares nostalgic memories and diverse culinary influences that shaped her love for traditional Jewish foods in a Rosh Hashanah-themed piece.
Honey cake, a traditional staple on Rosh Hashanah tables, is undergoing a modern revival.
The Purim Report details a day in the life of the author on Purim eve and Purim day in 2015, with reflections on the various traditions and activities surrounding the holiday.
Before hamantaschen became a traditional Purim treat, American Jews enjoyed Purim fritters, also known as Queen Esther's toast, as seen in recipes from the late 1800s.
In a recent case involving Susan Abeles and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA), a federal court ruled that the MWAA did not fail to reasonably accommodate Abeles' observance of Pesach, despite her absence being classified as Absence Without Leave and leading to her suspension.
The author, who is allergic to dairy and wheat, reflects on the challenges of participating in Jewish communal events and holidays due to food restrictions.
The writer reflects on her journey towards self-liberation and self-acceptance following her divorce, particularly in the context of celebrating Pesach without her children and the societal pressure to be liked by everyone.
The author reflects on his Jewish identity as he navigates interactions with a religiously observant neighbor who tries to set him up with his daughters, emphasizing the difference between being Jewish and "Jew-ish."
The author shares her struggle with caffeine withdrawal while fasting on Jewish holidays such as Yom Kippur, recounting past experiences of debilitating headaches due to giving up coffee.
For a delicious Yom Kippur break-fast menu that will make fasting worth it, consider preparing dishes like Charred Eggplant Dip with Maple Drizzle, Caramelized Onion, Dill, and Smoked Salmon Frittata, Avocado and Heart of Palm Salad, and Sticky Date Bread Pudding.
The author argues that in cities where the Jewish population is small and teacher absenteeism is not an issue, public schools should not be closed for Jewish holidays like Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
In episode 7 of Holy Ground, host Mark Oppenheimer and Tablet staffers discuss public schools closing for Jewish holidays and a New York Times opinion piece on West Bank extremists.
A mother recounts the challenges of adjusting her family's diet after discovering her daughter's egg allergy, leading to the need for eggless Jewish recipes.
The writer reflects on their experiences of dressing up for Purim, exploring the holiday's theme of blurring boundaries and the transgressive nature of the costumes.
The tradition of mishloach manot, giving food packages on Purim, has evolved into a competitive and extravagant display of creativity among Jewish families, with themes matching costumes and elaborate contents.
Rabbi Norman Lamm's "Majesty and Mystery" is a insightful commentary on Megillat Esther and the Maariv Evening Service for Purim.