Tag: Jewish Holidays

Strauss Bakery in Borough Park, Brooklyn, ramps up its hamantaschen production for Purim by using square cutouts of dough for efficiency in creating the triangular cookies.
This recipe provides instructions for making Nutella and white chocolate hamantaschen, a popular treat.
"Hasidus Meets America: The Life and Torah of the Monastryshcher Rebbe" by Professor Ora Wiskind sheds light on Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Rabinowitz, a Chassidic leader in the US who combined Chassidic teachings with openness towards societal changes, as outlined in selected teachings and a biographical sketch.
Micah Siva, a Canadian dietitian and food Instagrammer, has released a cookbook titled "Nosh: Plant-Forward Recipes Celebrating Modern Jewish Cuisine" aimed at providing vegetarian and vegan alternatives to traditional Jewish dishes.
The author shares their first experience celebrating Tu Bishvat, the Jewish holiday known as the Festival of Trees, with their husband's Iraqi Jewish family in Israel.
The author reflects on the significance of Tu B'Shevat, the New Year for the Trees, which often falls during the summer in the Southern Hemisphere.
Tu Bishvat, known as the birthday of trees, is a low-stress holiday for Jewish parents.
Tu B'Shvat is a Jewish holiday that celebrates the Earth, trees, and the arrival of spring.
The United Nations has been criticized for its lack of recognition and celebration of Jewish holidays compared to other religions.
The author starts off by offering a special Hanukkah subscription discount and lists things that are helping to slow their heart rate amid current turmoil, such as Hanukkah festivities, music, volunteering, mindfulness, and walks in the snow.
In this personal reflection, the author, who left the Orthodox Hasidic community three years ago, expresses their longing and nostalgia for the sense of community and belonging they experienced during Sukkot in Crown Heights, the heart of the Chabad movement.
During the period from October 6 to October 13, important Jewish holidays and observances take place.
The New York Coliseum, built by Robert Moses in 1956, was demolished in 1999 after standing for fewer years than its namesake in Rome.
From September 29 to October 6, Shabbat and the Sukkot holiday timings in various cities are provided.
Beautifully Jewish is a monthly audio series that explores Jewish material culture, focusing on ritual objects such as Shabbat candlesticks, menorahs, challah covers, and mezuzahs.
In this heartfelt poem, the author reflects on the joy of the Jewish holidays, particularly Passover, with its focus on family, friends, food, and song.
The article discusses the author's experience of not fasting on Yom Kippur and instead enjoying a delicious recipe for fresh figs with honey-pistachio cream.
The author reflects on their experience of observing two days for Jewish holidays while growing up outside of Israel, and the adjustments and challenges they faced upon making aliyah.
This article discusses the controversy surrounding the phrase "L'Shana Tova" as a greeting for Rosh Hashanah.
This text reflects on the tradition of sending New Year cards in the Jewish community.
In this Forward article, the author responds to a reader's dilemma about whether they should forgive their father, who supports Trump, before Yom Kippur.
The term "baal teshuvah" refers to secular or non-Orthodox Jews who become Orthodox.
A massive climate march is scheduled to take place in New York on the second day of Rosh Hashanah, which has raised concerns among Jewish climate activists.
The author reflects on his experiences as a Jew and his relationship with the sea.
Brandeis University, though not Orthodox, has been inclusive and accommodating for observant Jews.