Tag: Jewish Holidays

This article provides do-ahead recipes for the Jewish holiday season, specifically for Rosh Hashanah.
In this article, Michael J. Broyde explores the question of why women are exempt from certain time-bound positive commandments (TBPCs) in Jewish law while being obligated in others.
This article examines the question of why women are obligated to observe certain time-bound positive commandments (TBPCs) in Jewish law while being exempt from others.
This article explores the connection between Rosh Hashanah and the Exodus.
The episode explores the appropriate reactions to Tisha B'Av and the destruction of the Temple.
Manischewitz, known for its traditional Jewish products like sweet wine and Passover treats, has recently been showcasing a more irreverent and playful side on social media, including joking about unconventional kosher products like Hash Brownie Macaroons and now, the viral concept of "gefilte dogs."
The significance of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah goes beyond a simple sound; it serves as a vehicle for transmitting the messages of Kingship and Remembrance, which are the main themes of the day.
The article discusses the tradition of staying up all night on Shavuot, the holiday commemorating the receiving of the Torah.
Rabbi Seth Winberg argues that getting drunk during Purim is dangerous and not a mitzvah.
The author reflects on the traditional Ashkenazi Passover meal being dull in color and flavor compared to other cuisines.
Chef Hélène Jawhara Piñer demonstrates how to make traditional Sephardi Purim treats called Hojuelas on the YouTube series "Feed Your Soul with Jamie Geller."
Tu B'Shevat, the Jewish holiday of the New Year for Trees, has roots that some believe go back to the pagan worship of the goddess Asherah.
The author reflects on a New Year's Eve spent in the hospital with their mother, who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
The article discusses the creation and significance of "Ingathering of the Exiles Day" in Israel.
The author expresses her frustration with the concept of "ALL-idays" as depicted in Old Navy's commercial, which attempts to encompass all holiday celebrations including Christmas and Hanukkah.
Tonight, during Game 2 of the World Series, the Atlanta Braves' Jewish pitcher Max Fried will face off against the Houston Astros' Jewish hitter Alex Bregman.
Carly Pildis shares a recipe for a one-pan apples and honey chicken dish that is perfect for when you forget about a holiday meal.
The writer reflects on their experience during Rosh Hashanah in 2020 and contemplates the role of kingship and the complicity of the people in the decisions of their ruler.
This article discusses the challenges that grocery stores face in accurately stocking Jewish holiday products.
This article offers tips on how to have an elegant holiday meal on a budget without sacrificing taste or quality.
The text explores the idea that Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, is a form of time travel.
Kasha Varnishkes, a traditional Eastern European dish, was popular before the arrival of potatoes in the 17th and 18th centuries.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss the holiday of Lag BaOmer and are joined by guests such as Juliet Litman, who talks about the podcast Table Manners with Jesse Ware and shares her thoughts on the Bachelorette bagel drama.
Aimee Friedman Baron, upon creating the nonprofit I Was Supposed to Have a Baby (IWSTHAB), has established an online community on Instagram for Jewish women struggling with infertility, offering support through virtual groups, one-on-one sessions, and informative content.
The article discusses the unique position of Purim and Hanukkah as two of the only Rabbinic-created holidays that have become permanently established in Jewish practice.