Tag: Jewish Prayer

The article discusses the value of feeling appreciated and the impact it can have on individuals.
In this shiur, titled "Are my Tefillos really worth anything? Does Hashem really listen to me? Powering up our Tefillos," various prominent Jewish figures discuss the effectiveness and significance of our prayers.
Rabbi Meir Soloveichik discusses the enduring symbols of Jerusalem in a podcast conversation with Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver.
The Koren Yachad Siddur, edited by Rabbi Dr. Benjy Leibowitz and Michael Adler, is designed to make communal prayer more accessible for people with intellectual disabilities.
The question of whether a minor can be included in a minyan (a prayer quorum of ten adult male Jews) is a long-standing controversy in Jewish law.
The author discusses the issue of liturgical repetition in Jewish prayer and its potential implications.
Yaphet Kotto, a charismatic actor and proud Jew, passed away at the age of 81.
This article discusses the connection between Beethoven's music and the concept of freedom.
This article discusses the intentions of Rav Elhanan Nir for Rosh Hashanah, focusing on his series of four poems entitled "Intentions" (Kavvanot).
The author describes their experience returning to synagogue for a prayer service during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This Passover will be challenging for many as they gather without extended family and friends, missing the communal aspects like shul conversations and Yizkor.
Rabbi Dov Singer, influenced by leading Hasidic rabbis Rabbi Shagar, Rabbi Froman, and Rabbi Steinsaltz, emphasizes a personal and gentle approach to religion that involves questioning and dialogue.
Primo Levi's work, particularly "If This Is a Man," later retitled "Survival in Auschwitz," explores the Holocaust in a unique way, blending Jewish themes with dark humor and a deep analysis of human behavior in the concentration camps.
In "Tasting the World to Come: A Novel Interpretation of Tzidkatkha Tzedek" by Noam Stadlan, the author challenges the traditional association of the Tzidkatkha Tzedek verses with Tzidduk ha-Din, proposing that they emphasize God's beneficence rather than strict acceptance of divine decree.
In the 1960s, being a Jewish student meant diverse expressions of Jewish identity, from countercultural activism to celebrating Israel's victories.
Prayer in an Age of Distraction discusses the challenges of maintaining focus during prayer, particularly in an era of constant digital distractions.
"U-netaneh Tokef, a central prayer of the High Holy Days attributed to Rabbi Amnon of Mainz, focuses on themes of God's judgment, human powerlessness, and the eternal nature of God. The phrase 'ki-halom yauf' ('like a fleeting dream') within the prayer emphasizes the transitory nature of life and the significance of fleeting moments. The prayer's endurance through time is linked to a legend involving a dream and hints at the impact of seemingly insignificant actions. The High Holy Days, particularly Rosh Hashanah, discourage sleeping to emphasize active introspection and repentance over passive dreaming. The prayer underscores the importance of repentance, prayer, and charity in shaping one's fate."
The text delves into the significance of the U-netaneh Tokef prayer in the High Holy Days liturgy, focusing on the phrase "ki-halom yauf" (like a fleeting dream) as a central theme.
Rafi Eis discusses the challenges in teaching tefillah (prayer) effectively in Jewish education, emphasizing the need to address not only human aspects but also the theological understanding of God, which is often neglected.
NCSY has created a unique Siddur aimed at revolutionizing teenage prayer experiences, filled with stories, questions, and images to inspire young people's connection to prayer.
NCSY has introduced a groundbreaking siddur designed to engage and inspire teenagers in prayer, featuring stories, questions, and images to help them connect with tefillot on a deeper level.
WWE entertainer Paul Heyman, who is Jewish and has a personal connection to the Holocaust through his mother, recited a few lines of the Kaddish prayer to symbolically mourn his opponent Goldberg before a wrestling match.
Rabbi Jonathan Muskat engages in a thoughtful response to Professor Jonathan Sarna's discussion on the traditional prayer for the government, specifically focusing on the Ha-noten Teshuah prayer.
A Jewish man living in Israel describes his commute on the train from Beit Shemesh to Tel Aviv where a group of men create a moving minyan to pray the Shacharit service together.
Yehuda Glick, a prominent figure advocating for Jewish prayer rights at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, was shot four times by a Palestinian assailant in an attempted assassination.