Tag: Jewish Prayer

Amidst the Israel-Gaza conflict, a surge in miluimot – women with children whose husbands are serving in the IDF as reservists – has been noted, with increased challenges due to longer, scarier wars where communication is often limited.
The article discusses the significance of the Shema Koleinu blessing in the Shemoneh Esreh prayer.
The text delves into the profound meaning behind the familiar words "baruch Atah" that begin all blessings in Jewish tradition.
The Etgar Quiz no 265 tests knowledge on Jewish topics such as the destruction of the Second Bet Hamikdash by the Romans, Israel's second Prime Minister (Moshe Sharet), the significance of tzitzit in relation to keeping all the mitzvot, the concluding prayer of a service (Aleinu), which animals might be kosher (locust), and the number of sedarim in the Mishnah (six).
Exploring the enduring practice of Jewish prayer within the crypto-Jewish community of the Douro region, regardless of the presence of Rabbis and books.
In this thought-provoking piece, the author reflects on the disparity between the language of Jewish prayer and the attitudes of the Jewish people.
In this heartfelt essay, the author reflects on the impact of the ongoing war on her community and her personal experiences.
The author discusses their experience of saying Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for mourners, after the death of their father and mother.
"The Anne Frank Gift Shop" is a dark comedy film that explores the question of how to sell the memory of the Holocaust to a younger generation.
"Maoz Tzur" is a popular Hanukkah song that many Jews sing without fully understanding its meaning or central theme.
The OU Press released several books in the past year that explore various aspects of Jewish thought and tradition.
Many American Jews have been showing their support for Israel in the wake of the recent attack by Hamas.
Rachel Edri, an elderly woman living in southern Israel, managed to outsmart a group of five Hamas terrorists who broke into her home during a rocket attack.
The newly released book "The Rav on Tefillah" features the teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik on Jewish prayer.
The author reflects on their experience of saying Kaddish for their father and the challenges of prayer.
Modernity has brought changes to Jewish prayer, impacting the siddur (prayer book).
This essay explores the origin of prayers in the Siddur (Jewish prayer book).
The author explores the origins of the siddur, the Jewish prayer book.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Dovid'l Weinberg discusses the various modes and levels of prayer.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Dovid'l Weinberg discusses the various modes and levels of prayer.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Dovid'l Weinberg discusses the various modes and levels of prayer.
Readers shared their first trips to Israel, celebrating the excitement, connections with locals, and a sense of belonging they felt.
In this podcast episode, Jonathan Silver and Russ Roberts discuss the disappointment and promise of prayer.
This essay explores the concept of prayer beyond its traditional understanding as a religious act bound to specific times and locations.
The author recounts his experience with different prayer customs, specifically Nusach Ashkenaz and Nusach Sefard.