Tag: Jewish Theological Seminary

The Orthodox Unions recent statement on professional roles for women in Orthodox synagogues has sparked widespread debate.
Pastor Robert Jeffress, chosen to speak at Donald Trump's inauguration, drew a comparison between Trump and Nehemiah from the Bible, emphasizing Nehemiah as a builder chosen by God to erect defensive walls against foreign invaders.
Alan Cooper, once a singer for Sha Na Na at Woodstock, is currently a Jewish studies professor at JTS.
The text reflects on a video from 2002 showing the night before the writer's brother's gay marriage ceremony, where their father enthusiastically performed.
The article discusses the state of Conservative Judaism as portrayed by Rabbi Gordis, with some readers critiquing his negative stance and urging for recognition of positive advancements in the movement such as inclusivity of women and debates about LGBTQ+ issues.
The discussion delves into the significance and interpretations of the Song of Songs in Jewish tradition.
Reflecting on the parallels between the Conservative Judaism movement and the Zionist enterprise, the author explores the intellectual richness and challenges faced by both endeavors.
The text discusses the decline of Conservative Judaism and the factors contributing to it.
In response to concerns about the decline of American non-Orthodox Judaism following The Pew Research Center's report, Daniel Gordis' piece "Requiem for a Movement" laments the perceived failure of Conservative Judaism.
Various Jewish scholars and rabbis engage in a discussion responding to Daniel Gordis' critique of Conservative Judaism.
Rabbi David Wolpe delves into the profound teachings of Abraham Joshua Heschel, a revered Jewish scholar known for his spiritual insights and poetic prose.
"Poets of the Tribe" by Alan Mintz delves into the realm of 20th-century American Hebrew poetry, shedding light on forgotten poets like Benjamin Silkiner and Shimon Ginzburg.
Norman Podhoretz, a Jewish intellectual and influential figure of neoconservatism, rose from a poor background in Brooklyn to become a leading literary critic.
The article discusses Passover celebrations in Washington D.C., contrasting the Obama family's use of the traditional Maxwell House haggadah with the Roberts family's interfaith seder.
Elias Bickerman, a renowned Jewish historian of the ancient world who worked closely with Jewish studies masters, notably refused to learn Hebrew despite his international acclaim as one of the greatest historians of the Jews.
Computer scientists at Tel Aviv University are utilizing artificial intelligence to reconstruct over 1,000 documents from the vast Cairo Genizah collection, which contains 350,000 fragments illuminating 1,000 years of Jewish history and culture.
The Jim Joseph Foundation has granted $11 million each to the Reform movements Hebrew Union College, Conservative movements Jewish Theological Seminary, and Modern Orthodox movements Yeshiva University for their Masters programs in Jewish education.