Tag: Jewish Tradition

Shmuel Rosner, in collaboration with Prof. Camil Fuchs, has written a book called "Israeli Judaism," which examines the current attitudes of Israelis towards Judaism as a religion, a people, and a tradition.
A year after the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh, the Jewish community reflects on the tragedy and the ongoing threat of anti-Semitism.
A recent U.S. operation successfully eliminated Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, sparking a debate on the ethics of hating extraordinarily evil individuals.
This personal reflection explores the writer's experiences studying Talmud with their father since childhood, highlighting the intensity and complexity of their relationship.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson attempted to blow a shofar during a visit to northern England but failed to produce a sound.
Erev Passover 2019 was filled with tension for the author as they navigated complex family dynamics around their evolving kashrut practice.
In Italy, a woman is reviving the ancient Jewish tradition of making kosher charcuterie out of goose meat due to the challenges of sourcing kosher goose meat in the country.
The text explores the discrepancy between the holiday of Shavuot and the giving of the Torah at Sinai.
The text delves into the relationship between religion, time, and change within Jewish thought, particularly challenging the notion that religiosity inherently aligns with conservatism.
The text discusses the dilemma faced by Jewish educators regarding how much power and freedom to give to students in their learning process.
On Lag ba-Omer, Jews commemorate the passing and celebrate the life of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai, focusing on the bright side of death and the fullness of life, as described in the Zohar's Idra Zuta.
In "Moses and Hellenism," Bernd Witte presents a provocative historical and cultural argument that explores the intertwining of Greek and Jewish cultures in German intellectual history.
The text delves into the inclusion of mikra bikkurim, the farmers' declaration, in the Haggadah as the basis for discussing the Exodus miracles and the choices behind this selection.
In the text "Korban Asham: The Sacrifice for Sacrilege (and other Sins)" by Matt Lubin, the focus is on the Korban Asham (guilt offering) as described in the opening chapters of Vayikra.
On the podcast "Unorthodox," Christopher Noxon discusses his book "Good Trouble: Lessons from the Civil Rights Playbook," offering an illustrated history of the civil rights movement.
Leora Mallach, co-founder of Beantown Jewish Gardens, emphasizes the importance of integrating Jewish tradition with contemporary issues like food justice, highlighting the ethical implications of food choices and the need to make Judaism relevant to today's world.
Eliezer Ben-Yehuda's father-in-law, Shlomo Naftali Hertz Jonas, lamented the absence of Judah Maccabee in prayers during Hanukkah, emphasizing Maccabee's importance as a hero and a symbol of Jewish resilience.
The text discusses the relationship between Yaakov and Lavan as depicted in Parashat Vayeitzei.
The text explores the challenges rabbis face in navigating politics from the pulpit amidst increasing American partisanship.
In the early chapters of Tractate Menachot in the Talmud, the focus is on the procedures for offering meal offerings in the Temple, including details on baking unleavened bread, quantities of flour, use of oil and frankincense, and specific rituals for presenting the loaves at the altar.
In a discussion of modern Zionism during the holiday of Sukkot, the tension between the temporary nature of life and the everlasting tradition of the Jewish people is explored.
In an exploration of Zionist ideas during Sukkot, the tension between tradition and change is discussed through an excerpt from Berl Katzenelson's Revolution and Tradition, an influential figure in Socialist Zionism.
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is a significant Jewish holiday that involves fasting from sundown to sundown, accompanied by prayer and reflection.
The author recounts their experience leading Rosh Hashanah services for Jewish inmates at Rikers Island, emphasizing the profound impact of connecting with the incarcerated individuals on a personal level.
Dr. Yaakov Elman, a renowned Talmudist, was celebrated for his diverse scholarship that extended beyond Talmud to encompass various eras and texts in Jewish history, demonstrating his broad expertise and dedication to all areas of Torah.