Tag: Jewish Tradition

This text discusses the Jewish tradition of argument and controversy, highlighting its importance in seeking truth and fostering a robust and inclusive culture.
In Bruce Black's "A Life Worth Living," the author explores the questions and challenges we face in finding meaning and purpose in our lives.
In this article, readers share how they observe Shabbat in different ways.
The sounding of the shofar in Jewish tradition is a perplexing practice with no given meaning in the Torah.
This video demonstrates how to make tzimmes, a traditional stew often served for Rosh Hashanah.
Geula Twersky's "Song of Riddles: Deciphering the Song of Songs" is an attempt to unravel the mysteries of the Song of Songs.
This text explores the author's father's relationship with Jewish law and observance.
A recent study from the Jewish Language Project at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion explores how Jewish names have changed over time and what they reveal about American Jewish identity.
A woman in her mid-30s is dating a man who earns significantly less than her and is questioning whether their relationship can work.
The pomegranate has a rich history and significance in Jewish tradition and culture.
This article explores the connection between Rosh Hashanah and the Exodus.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Mirlana Morris discusses the loss of her son, Donny, and how she chooses to perpetuate his memory.
The article discusses the current debate surrounding meritocracy in American society.
Dr. Malka Simkovich, an expert in Second Temple Judaism, discusses the significance of belief and observance in the history of the Jewish people in a podcast episode.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Dr. Malka Simkovich discusses Second Temple Judaism and its relevance to understanding Jewish identity today.
In this episode of Kylie Unell's podcast miniseries, "49 Days to Stretch My Soul," the focus is on Malchut (meaning "kingdom" or "queenship") during the seventh week of counting the Omer.
The article discusses the tradition of staying up all night on Shavuot, the holiday commemorating the receiving of the Torah.
In this podcast episode of "49 Days to Stretch My Soul," Kylie Unell explores the theme of connection and foundation in the context of counting the Omer, the Jewish tradition of the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot.
In this podcast episode, Kylie Unell explores the Jewish tradition of counting the Omer, the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot, with a unique daily practice.
The Koren Tanakh MaalotMagerman Edition is a new translation of the Jewish Bible that aims to capture the original text for a broad contemporary audience.
Dr. Yael Ziegler's book, "Lamentations: Faith in a Turbulent World," offers a unique and accessible exploration of the Book of Lamentations.
The author describes the Jewish tradition of hospitality, particularly the practice of inviting guests into one's home for Shabbat or yom tov meals.
In this episode of the podcast miniseries "49 Days to Stretch My Soul," host Kylie Unell explores the Jewish concept of Netzach, meaning endurance and perseverance.
In this special weekly edition of Kylie Unell's podcast mini-series, 49 Days to Stretch My Soul, she explores the Jewish tradition of counting the Omer.
The author shares a personal story about visiting an elderly cousin who was a rabbi, a Holocaust survivor, and a Satmar Hasid.