Tag: Jewish Voters

Despite deep frustration with the Tories, many Jews in the UK remain wary of Labour but are beginning to consider supporting the party again, with one in three Jewish voters willing to back Labour in the upcoming election.
George Latimer, a centrist who emphasized a pro-Israel stance, defeated Rep. Jamaal Bowman in the Democratic primary in New York's 16th Congressional district.
Concerned about what they perceive as rising antisemitism in the upcoming primary between Congressman Jamaal Bowman and George Latimer, a Jewish get-out-the-vote effort in New York's 16th district is mobilizing hundreds of volunteers to ensure Jewish voices are heard amid the clash between centrists supportive of Israel and progressives critical of it.
Labour is projected for a significant victory in the upcoming election, with potential challenges from Jewish voters.
Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party, has made efforts to address antisemitism within the party, expressing regret for its presence and aiming to rebuild trust with Jewish members.
A local Orthodox group named Westchester Unites is working to influence the reelection bid of Rep. Jamaal Bowman by encouraging Jewish voters in the district to cast mail-in ballots before the June 25 Democratic primary against pro-Israel challenger George Latimer.
After President Biden suspended the delivery of certain large bombs to Israel as it prepared to confront Hamas, there was a strong pro-Israel backlash from various leaders and organizations, including criticism from Jewish figures who have traditionally supported Democrats.
Some Democrats fear President Biden's critical stance on Israel's military actions in Gaza may alienate Jewish voters, a key constituency in elections, even though historically Jews have predominantly supported Democrats.
The text discusses a shift in political allegiances among Jewish voters in the United States, questioning the traditional alignment with the Democratic Party.
Former President Donald Trump, in a recent interview with Sebastian Gorka, stated that any Jew voting for Democrats hates their religion and Israel, suggesting Israel would be destroyed.
The Jewish Democratic Council of America is strategizing to help President Joe Biden get reelected by targeting independent voters, particularly young Jewish voters who are increasingly identifying as independents.
President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu engaged in a heated exchange of criticisms, with Biden accusing Netanyahu of harming Israel with his Gaza actions, and Netanyahu defending his policies including opposition to a Palestinian state.
President Joe Biden is expected to win the Michigan primary, but the state's large Arab American population is sending a warning by considering a protest vote due to dissatisfaction with Biden's stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict.
A recent poll in New York suggests that a majority of Jews in the state plan to vote for former President Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election, favoring him over President Joe Biden.
In Michigan, a campaign is gaining momentum to protest President Joe Biden's Gaza policy at the polls.
The podcast discusses Nikki Haley's decision to remain in the GOP race until she is mathematically eliminated, highlighting its implications for Donald Trump's position in the race and potential vulnerabilities.
In this article, the author criticizes the MAGA-led Republican party for sacrificing conservative priorities, such as aid to Israel and immigration reform, for political gain.
Republican candidate Mazi Melesa Pilip highlighted her service in the Israeli military during a debate with her Democratic opponent, Tom Suozzi, ahead of a special congressional election on Long Island.
Despite the ongoing war in Gaza and the surge in antisemitism in the US, President Joe Biden's support for Israel has boosted his standing among Pennsylvania's Jewish community, a key constituency in the state.
Ron DeSantis has ended his presidential campaign, leaving Nikki Haley as the primary challenger to Donald Trump.
The 2024 presidential primary season has begun in the United States, and the race to win the votes of Jewish and pro-Israel voters is underway.
Moment Magazine is reviving its Jewish Political Voices Project (JPVP) for the 2024 presidential election season.
The article discusses the impact of President Biden's stance on Israel and the Gaza conflict on Jewish American voters and the upcoming 2024 elections.
Former Rep. Tom Suozzi is running for his old seat in a special election against Republican candidate Mazi Melesa Pilip, who has strong personal ties to Israel.
Following the expulsion of George Santos from Congress for unethical conduct, a scramble is underway to fill the vacant seat in Nassau County through a special election in February.