Tag: Jewish Voters

The GOP presidential primary debate, co-sponsored by the Republican Jewish Coalition, focused on the candidates' support for Israel's campaign against Hamas.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist and Democratic presidential candidate, spoke at an event with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach in New York.
A survey conducted by the Jewish Electoral Institute shows that Jewish voters strongly favor Joe Biden over Donald Trump in a potential 2024 general election matchup.
A recent poll conducted in New York's 3rd Congressional District revealed that 94% of Jewish voters believe Representative George Santos, a freshman Republican, should resign from Congress due to lies about his background.
J.D. Vance, known for "Hillbilly Elegy," is running for Senate in Ohio as a Republican.
The text discusses the lack of scrutiny faced by Bernie Sanders for his past support of leftist autocrats and his criticism of traditional Democrats for not challenging his ideological stances.
The article discusses how President Trump's recent statements invoking anti-Semitic tropes by questioning the loyalty of Jewish Democrats, and his involvement in barring Congresswomen Tlaib and Omar from visiting Israel, have caused distress among American Jews.
The future of the Democratic Party and its stance on Israel is of concern to many Jewish voters.
The Austrian Mauthausen Committee, representing Nazi-era concentration camp survivors, has excluded the far-right Freedom Party (FPO) from a memorial service due to the FPO's historical Nazi ties and ongoing connections to far-right publications.
Rabbi Sharon Brous explains her decision to vote for President Obama, urging thoughtful Jewish voters to consider two key points regardless of personal opinions: not to base their vote on unfounded fears regarding Obama's support for Israel, as his actions demonstrate strong backing for the country, and not to dismiss significant policy differences between Romney and Obama, highlighting Romney's shifting stances and the potential impact of conservative influences.