Tag: Jonathan Haidt

The discussion in "The Medium is Messy" explores the impact of smartphones on youth, with Jewish writer Jonathan Haidt warning of negative effects like a mental health crisis and increased screen time.
A group of Hillel educators proposed the Kranjec Test, suggesting that source sheets in Jewish learning include diverse perspectives, especially women's voices, to reflect communal values.
In a recent talk to concerned Jewish day school parents, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt discussed the epidemic of mental illness among youth and offered tough-love advice on child-rearing.
In the book "Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures" by Moshe Koppel, the author explores the enduring nature of traditional Judaism and defends Orthodox Judaism as a model for societal cohesion.
The essay explores Rabbinic moral psychology, focusing on the interplay between reason and passion in shaping moral behavior.