Tag: Kugel

The author presents a twist on traditional kugel by adding a pistachio streusel topping and using fine egg noodles for texture.
The article discusses the most anticipated Jewish-themed TV shows of 2024.
Yonatan Alman, an Israeli soldier stationed on Israel's northern front with Lebanon, has shared a video where he wishes viewers a happy Hanukkah in Yiddish and shows the gift he received.
The Forward recently received a pre-Shabbat greeting in Yiddish from an Israeli reserve soldier named Yonatan.
The article encourages readers to share their favorite Pesach recipes with the community.
The emergence of a new twist on the traditional noodle kugel dish in American Jewish cuisine is highlighted, with Frosted Flakes cereal introduced as a topping by the Kellogg Company in 1952, replacing the more simple toppings used in Europe.
The author discusses their journey of discovering Jewish culinary traditions through personal experiences and relationships.