Tag: Ladino Language

The Etgar Quiz no 275 includes questions about Jewish topics such as special products of Israel, the Ladino language, Israeli highways, Devorah in the Tanach, the Ohel Moed gatherings, and the song "Yerushalayim Shel Zahav."
Francesca Segal's novel "Welcome to Glorious Tuga" is a delightful beach read set on an imaginary island populated by descendants of Brazilian Jews, incorporating elements of Jewish culture like Ladino language, Hebrew phrases, and dybbuk stories.
Efforts to enhance Sephardic education and identity in the United States are gaining traction through initiatives like the Bivas Sephardic youth movement, which focuses on preserving Ladino heritage and language.
The American Ladino League has emerged as a new center for studying Ladino, the Romance language with roots in medieval Spain and significant influence from Hebrew, Turkish, Arabic, and other languages.
"Across So Many Seas" is a new novel by Ruth Behar that tells the story of four generations of Sephardic Jewish girls longing for freedom and struggling to navigate the world without losing touch with their Judaism.
Sephardic Jews, whose ancestors were expelled from Spain in 1492, have maintained their cultural and historical identity through oral history, community organizations, and connections with extended family in countries like Turkey and Argentina.
Lilith Magazine has compiled a list of their favorite books of 2023, ranging from fiction to nonfiction to children's literature.
Two Jewish American writers, Elizabeth and Aaron, discovered a connection between their novels, both inspired by their grandmothers' immigration stories through Cuba to the United States.
Seattle is home to a vibrant Sephardic Jewish community, with roots tracing back to the early 1900s when Sephardic Jews from Turkey and Rhodes settled there.
In this article, the author shares a personal connection to her Sephardic grandmother through a recipe for spinach frittata, known as fritada espinaca.
"Family Papers: A Sephardic Journey Through the Twentieth Century" by Sarah Abrevaya Stein delves into the history of the Levy family from Salonica, exploring their experiences from the 18th century to the aftermath of World War II.
In September 2017, the author visited Bitola, Macedonia, where they were overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and respect for Jewish culture despite the absence of a Jewish community in the town.
The Spanish government's approval of a law offering citizenship to descendants of Jews expelled during the Inquisition in 1492 has prompted Seattle's Sephardi Jews to consider Spanish citizenship while preserving Ladino, the ancient Jewish language combining elements of different languages.
In Seattle, the Sephardi Jewish community, descended from Jews expelled from Spain, is working to preserve its Ladino language and heritage through initiatives led by historian Devin Naar.
In this episode of the Promised Podcast, the hosts address the complexity of the recent West Bank teen kidnappings.