Tag: Mikveh

Rabbi Daniel Cohen of Congregation Agudath Sholom in Stamford, Connecticut, reflects on his congregant, the late Sen. Joseph Lieberman, who passed away at 82.
American Jewish University in Los Angeles has completed the sale of its main campus, the Familian Campus, to Milken Community School, a nearby Jewish institution.
The Trans Halakha Project, a queer and trans yeshiva initiative called SVARA, has released a series of teshuvot (answers to questions) about Jewish religious law pertaining to transgender individuals.
In "Ezrat Nashim: Notes on Halakhic Womanhood," the author explores various aspects of Jewish womanhood and their experiences within Jewish rituals.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on their experience as a convert to Judaism and discusses the discomfort they feel with the label "convert."
The article discusses the rules of conversion to Judaism in biblical times and in the Talmudic period, highlighting the changes in the requirements and processes.
Lehrhaus, a center for conversations and ideas in the Modern Orthodox community, has published over 100 thought-provoking articles, reviews, and thought pieces throughout 2021.
The article discusses the experiences of women who observe the laws of family purity (taharat hamishpahah) and their use of the mikveh during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The excerpt discusses Rabbi Akiva's teaching about two types of purification and two types of repentance.
In the 16th century, Jews fleeing the Medicis' ghettos found refuge in Pitigliano, a town in Tuscany, where they thrived, making up a significant portion of the population.
In episode 23 of Unorthodox, the discussion includes topics such as kosher marijuana, the bagel scooping debate, and a discussion about a WASPy cardigan.
This text describes the author's experience of undergoing a ritual immersion in a mikveh as part of her conversion to Judaism.
Rabbi Barry Freundel, a prominent Washington rabbi, was sentenced to 6-1/2 years in prison after pleading guilty to 52 misdemeanor counts of voyeurism for secretly filming women naked in a ritual bath facility from 2012 to 2014.
The author recounts her journey of converting to Judaism and the pivotal role the ritual bath, mikveh, played in her conversion process despite initial reservations.
The text explores the connection between bees, sexual energy, and Jewish sexual laws, particularly around abstinence and intention in sexual engagement.
The author shares their journey of conversion to Judaism, which was sparked by a desire since their early teens but was suppressed due to societal expectations and family concerns.