Tag: Observance

The author describes her journey of discovering Orthodoxy and halacha, starting with a fascination with the moon and the interconnectedness of Jewish women's power to the universe.
Sam Salz shares his experience of maintaining a strong connection with G-d while juggling the demands of college football.
A couple embarks on starting to observe Shabbat with their young children, borrowing supplies and delving into the rituals despite some uncertainties.
The poem delves into the world of religious Judaism, touching on themes like the Torah, Talmud, observance, commentary, and prayer before abruptly stripping them away to evoke chaos.
This text discusses the interaction between Chassidus and Haskala in Czarist Russia, noting that Chassidus responded better to the challenges posed by Haskala than Hisnagdus.
In this essay, the author reflects on her experience as a Jewish-American writer and the evolving landscape of Jewish-American literature.
In this personal reflection, the author discusses the importance of incorporating play and board games into their Shabbat observance.
During the current pandemic, with routines disrupted and days feeling monotonous, the Jewish tradition offers insights on recognizing Shabbat, as discussed by Gabriel Greenberg.
Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl reflects on his journey within Modern Orthodoxy, initially inspired by Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, but ultimately seeking more certainty in his faith.
Zev Eleff's article responds to the notion of a disappearing non-observant Orthodox Jew within the American Jewish community, pointing out the lack of clear definitions and data to support such a claim.
The text follows Manny and Larry, two Jewish brothers living together in a one-bedroom apartment with contrasting lifestyles.