Tag: Political Views

A viral list circulating online categorizes authors based on their political views on Israel, labeling them as Zionist, pro-Palestinian, or neutral, with recommendations not to support and promote the work of authors categorized as Zionist.
A legal battle involving the Toronto Zionist Council, which owns Camp Shalom, a 75-year-old Jewish summer camp in Ontario, has been sparked by David Matlow, a community leader, alleging restrictions on membership based on right-wing political views regarding Israel.
Jewish artists in the predominantly left-leaning arts industry face challenges due to the community's anti-Zionist stance, which can risk their friendships and careers if they express opposing political views.
In this text, the author discusses their political leanings as a conservative, influenced by their religious beliefs.
The article discusses the topic of truth in relation to former President Donald Trump.
The article addresses the fine line between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, emphasizing that while anti-Israel speech can often be anti-Semitic, it is still protected under free speech rights.
In this podcast episode called "The Young and the Feckless Edition," Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman explore why Israeli young people may lean more right-wing than older generations, analyze the implications of recent elections, and discuss the relevance of telling the story of the Exodus on Passover.
In a recent episode of AJC Passport, the focus was on the reactions to the December protests in Iran where many citizens protested the government, leading to casualties and arrests.
In a discussion, Don, Eilon, and Noah explore the endorsement of Labor Party leader Yitzhak Herzog for Prime Minister by the head of the ultraorthodox Shas party, raising the question of potential alliances between the Labor Party and the haredim.