Tag: Prague

A new television miniseries, titled Kafka, offers a multifaceted portrayal of Franz Kafka, highlighting various aspects of his life and relationships, blending reality with elements from his fiction.
The upcoming show "Kafka" on ChaiFlicks is a six-episode mini-series delving into the life of iconic Jewish author Franz Kafka.
Peter Demetz, a Czech-born Jewish historian who passed away at 101, delved into the complex history of Prague, highlighting the conflicts between German and Czech factions and the persecution faced by the Jewish population.
"One Life" is a poignant biopic about Holocaust hero Nicholas Winton, who saved 669 mostly Jewish children during the Holocaust through the Kindertransport.
Minecraft, a popular video game, features various types of golems, including the Iron Golem, inspired by Jewish folklore's protective creature.
Jerri Zbiral, an artist, was tasked with creating a new Torah mantle for a Holocaust Scroll acquired by her synagogue.
Karolina Kaeov, an artist based in Prague, creates vibrant Yiddish calligraphy that combines hand-inked words and phrases with drawing, watercolor, and collage.
Milan Kundera, a prominent Czech writer, recently passed away at the age of 94.
This text discusses how the Jewish community in Prague coped with a devastating plague in 1713.
In the fall of 1989, Prague experienced a metamorphosis towards democracy and freedom.
In "Spider-Man: Far From Home," Peter Parker travels to Prague where his superhero duties clash with his desire for a normal life, drawing parallels to Kafka's themes of societal expectations and guilt.
The text discusses the author's experiences visiting monuments and memorials to Jewish history in Berlin and Prague, observing the contrast between dispassionate and specific depictions of the Holocaust.
The modern portrayal of golems in popular culture, such as in the game Pokmon GO, deviates from the traditional Jewish concept of a golem as a magically created servant under a kabbalist's control.
In her book "The Kabbalistic Culture of Eighteenth-Century Prague," Sharon Flatto revisits the legacy of Ezekiel Landau, the Noda Biyehudah, challenging the notion that he was antagonistic towards Jewish mysticism.
The text discusses various perspectives on Franz Kafka and his works, challenging common perceptions and myths surrounding the author.