Tag: Progressives

Progressives in New York, from politicians like AOC to cultural figures like the director of the Brooklyn Museum, are beginning to acknowledge the presence of antisemitism within progressive circles.
Congressman Ro Khanna, a prominent progressive voice in Democratic foreign policy, represents California's 17th district.
Noah Feldman's book "To Be a Jew Today" delves into the complexities of Jewish identity, moving beyond denominational labels to explore four distinct Jewish attitudes towards God: Traditionalists, Evolutionists, Progressives, and Godless Jews.
The essay addresses progressive anti-Zionists, criticizing their views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
John Fetterman, the Pennsylvania Democratic senator, has garnered both support and criticism for his vocal backing of Israel amid the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The author points out the contradiction between the progressive emphasis on avoiding offense and the targeting of Jewish students and the Jewish community on college campuses.
Terrell Starr, a talented foreign correspondent, has spent a significant amount of time in Ukraine since the Russian invasion and makes a case for progressive and Black American support for the Ukrainian cause.
In this podcast episode, the discussion revolves around the skepticism of progressives towards the concept of American progress, noting a shift in their beliefs.
This podcast episode explores listener questions regarding good writing about the Left, the comparison between today's progressives and the original Progressives from the early 20th century, and the topic of outer-space aliens.
Journalist Nancy Rommelmann's article "A Murder in Portland" delves into the perceived dangers posed by progressives in Portland who are focused on liberating criminals, highlighting an incident that underscores the potential existential threat this trend may pose to regular citizens.
The COMMENTARY podcast discusses the phenomenon of "crisis fatigue" among progressives, where the constant exposure to crises does not lead ordinary people to become crisis-mongers.
In a podcast episode, the discussion revolves around the topic of progressives potentially discouraging individuals, including children, by making them feel powerless in effecting change.
The podcast discusses how Joe Manchin, a Democratic senator, prioritizes maintaining his political power in his state over aligning with progressive party members.
The recent rediscovery of mid-20th-century American thinker James Burnham is related to a realignment in American politics.
In a recent podcast episode, there is a discussion about the intense reactions from Democrats following the failure of a voting bill, questioning the apocalyptic language used.
There is a growing trend of street violence targeting American Jews, which some argue is being encouraged by progressives in the Democratic establishment.
This article emphasizes the importance of personal experiences in shaping perceptions of Israel.
The podcast highlights a protest in France against the unjust verdict in the anti-Semitic murder case of Sarah Halimi, showcasing resilience and supporting Zionism.
The text discusses the idea of a crisis in confidence in modern times, exemplified by former Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell disowning her claims of election fraud.
The essay discusses the misleading labels of "moderate" and "progressive" within the Democratic Party, particularly in relation to African American political power.
Dr. David Hirsh, a sociologist at Goldsmith's, University of London, explores the rise of anti-Semitic attitudes within socialist and progressive groups in his book Contemporary Left Antisemitism, highlighting how such bigotry has become more prevalent in these circles.