Tag: Protest

The podcast discusses the problematic media coverage of the recent March for Israel, criticizing mainstream media for downplaying its significance and focusing on other issues instead.
Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupted a Shabbat dinner at the Somos conference in Puerto Rico, chanting anti-Israel slogans and engaging in antisemitic behavior.
Columbia University has suspended two student clubs, Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, for repeatedly violating university policies related to holding campus events.
Rep. Jamaal Bowman held a meeting with Jewish constituents to address concerns about his stance on the Israel-Hamas war, but the meeting had to be relocated due to protests at the original venue, a church.
Jewish students at Cooper Union College in Manhattan felt unsafe when pro-Palestinian protesters banged on the locked door of the library where they were studying and chanted "Globalize the Intifada."
Josh Paul and Adam Ramer will be joining a Zoom call to discuss the cost of conscience in Washington.
The article discusses the recent protests against Israeli violence in Gaza and highlights the problematic response from some Jews who declared that the protesters were not Jewish.
A researcher at the Anti-Defamation League, Stephen C. Rea, resigned in response to the organization's CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, criticizing American Jews protesting Israel's actions in Gaza.
The podcast discusses the disturbing protest at the Capitol by "Jewish organizations" supporting Jew-killing groups, while also criticizing the New York Times for falsely reporting a hospital rocket strike and trying to evade responsibility for the ensuing violence.
Thousands of activists, including IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace, gathered at the Capitol building to protest US support for Israel during the Gaza war.
Over 600 writers, academics, and publishing professionals are protesting the cancellation of an event honoring Palestinian author Adania Shibli at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
Tens of thousands of Israelis gathered in Jerusalem to demonstrate in favor of judicial reform, protesting against the Supreme Court's decision to interfere in legislation related to the reform.
Israeli teenagers from the organization Youth Against Dictatorship staged a protest against the draft at the historic Tel Aviv high school, Herzliya Hebrew Gymnasium.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing a crisis within the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) as thousands of air force reservists have stopped reporting for duty in protest of measures that would weaken the independence of the Israeli Supreme Court.
Tel Aviv's long-awaited light rail system is set to open, but it will not operate on Shabbat.
Small protests have been taking place across Israel every Saturday, far from the public eye, at remote highway intersections.
Protests against the Netanyahu-led government's judicial overhaul in Jerusalem have been ongoing for over 31 weeks, with the most recent demonstration drawing thousands of participants.
Evan Gershkovich, a Jewish journalist detained in Russia for 112 days on espionage charges while reporting on the Wagner Group, is being supported by his colleagues and loved ones through a 24-hour marathon reading of his works organized by the National Press Club.
Reservists in Israel's elite military units are threatening to refuse to report for duty as a form of protest against the government's controversial legislative moves to weaken the country's judicial system.
Arab towns in Israel are facing a daily battle for survival due to the rise of organized crime, as highlighted by recent shootings and murders.
In this discussion, Linda Gradstein, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron talk about the challenges faced by Israeli ministers and MKs when speaking overseas and reflect on a historical event where sixteen Jewish soldiers were killed by fellow Jewish soldiers in Israel's early days.
In "The God Gave My People the Torah at Sinai and All I Got Was this Lousy Podcast Edition," Linda Gradstein, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron discuss various important topics such as the recent government budget passing and protests in Israel, along with light-hearted anecdotes.
Brian Mandel, a gay man, has been protesting outside Kehillas Hollywood Hills, an Orthodox synagogue in South Florida, every Shabbat since late January.
This text describes the experience of participating in a protest in Israel against proposed judicial reforms.
In a recent episode of the podcast "What Kind of Week Has It Been," special guest Major General (ret.) Amos Yadlin discusses the ongoing tensions in Israel, including security threats in the West Bank and the involvement of the military in politics.