Tag: Purim

This playful and clever Dr. Seuss-style Purim retelling by Naomi Wolf merges the story of Purim with the whimsical rhyming and rhythm of Dr. Seuss's books.
As Purim approaches, Eileen Goltz reflects on her children's creative costume choices for the holiday and channels her energy into making delicious treats for shalach manot.
The misconception that Mordechai and Esther, the heroes of Purim, were uncle and niece is clarified in this piece, stating they were actually first cousins as described in the book of Esther.
Rabbi Norman Lamm's "Majesty and Mystery" is a insightful commentary on Megillat Esther and the Maariv Evening Service for Purim.
A couple shares their journey of evolving their Purim tradition from giving out simple mishloach manot to creating a humorous Purim newsletter over the years.
The morning Megillah reading on Purim is actually more important than the nighttime reading, according to Halacha.
The annual Latke-Hamantaschen debate, which originated at the University of Chicago in 1946, remains a lively and humorous tradition on college campuses, engaging prominent academics in arguments over whether latkes or hamantaschen are superior in Jewish cuisine.
Hamantaschen, the triangular cookies associated with Purim, are a relatively new addition to Jewish cuisine, originating in Bohemia two to three centuries ago.
The article discusses the unique relationship between Purim and Pesach, highlighting their proximity on the calendar despite being far apart linearly.
Recent publications have highlighted the pursuit of happiness, linking it to understanding our own mental processes.
The text explores a fifth-and sixth-grade Purim musical revue at a Jewish school, where the narrator played Vashti, a character overshadowed by Esther, leading to her embracing feminist ideas and resistance.
Purim is a festive Jewish holiday commemorating the thwarting of a plot to annihilate the Jews in ancient Persia.
At the Jewish Museum's Centennial Purim Ball, Mayor Michael Bloomberg highlighted the museum's significance and fundraising success.
The article by Eileen Goltz discusses the evolution of Purim shalach manot treats, focusing on chocolate as a star ingredient this year.
The author shares a humorous glimpse into preparing for Purim, focusing on acquiring loud groggers for the Megillah reading and baking hamantashen with her children.
During the thirtieth anniversary of the Gulf War, Toby Klein Greenwald reflects on the experiences of her family during the war, including the fears, uncertainties, and miracles that occurred during those tumultuous days in Israel.