Tag: Purim

This article reflects on the concept of liberation in the Jewish community this year, particularly transitioning from Purim's themes of threats and instability to Pesach's promise of Divine intervention and liberation.
This article discusses the internal struggles many Jews are facing this Pesach, with tensions around festivals like Purim and Simchat Torah in light of recent events in Israel.
The letters to the editor cover various topics, with one expressing concern about the power of chants like "From the River to the Sea" to shape perceptions and potentially evoke harmful historical parallels, urging vigilance in addressing antisemitism.
Various letters to the editor discuss different aspects of Jewish communal leadership and events.
Amidst the Purim-to-Pesach holiday season, Rabbi Moshe Hauer reflects on the current prevalence of prosemitism and its impact on Jewish identity.
A video tutorial explaining the four essential Purim Mitzvahs which include hearing the megillah, giving charity to the poor, exchanging gifts of food with friends, and having a festive Purim feast.
New Yorkers celebrated the Jewish holiday of Purim in various ways, from lively street parties in Brooklyn to a solemn rally in Central Park.
The text discusses the 8 categories of Shelach Manos, which are different food preferences and dietary restrictions that people may have during Purim.
In response to the ongoing conflict and hostage situation involving 134 captives abducted by Hamas, Jodi Rudoren reflects on participating in a social-media campaign called Tastes Like Home, which aims to humanize the hostages by sharing their favorite cookie recipes and stories.
In this insightful piece by Sara Klugman, Purim is explored in the context of current conflicts, particularly the situation in Gaza.
This year, Six13, a Jewish a cappella group, released a Purim song medley that is different from the usual parodies due to the current challenges facing Israel and the Jewish community.
Gashmius Magazine recently engaged with the New Voices Fellows in a study of Hasidic texts, inspiring participants to see Torah as continually evolving.
Gashmius Magazine and the New Voices Fellows engaged in studying hasidic texts, exploring the idea that Torah is continuously given since Sinai.
The article explores the midrashic interpretation of King Ahasuerus wearing the Jewish priestly garments during his banquet in the Book of Esther.
This article explores the complex and contentious topic of the biblical mandate to destroy Amalek while examining its modern-day implications in light of Israeli military actions and genocidal accusations.
As Purim approaches amidst times of war and tragedy, the challenge of balancing joy with pain is daunting for many.
The Etgar Quiz discusses various aspects of Purim and the Book of Esther.
The article discusses the parallels between the Purim story and ancient Babylonian myths, suggesting that the Book of Esther may be seen as ancient fan fiction.
In a podcast episode, political legends David Axelrod and Mike Murphy discuss the Biden-Netanyahu rift, Chuck Schumer's unintended help to the Israeli prime minister, and the potential benefits for Donald Trump.
The text is a satirical (almost) Purim spoof envisioning a report on issues of anti-Semitism on Ivy League campuses, including mandating Jewish students wear yellow Jewish stars for visibility and humorous reinterpretations of slogans from pro-Hamas rallies.
A woman reflects on her childhood experiences in a Hasidic Chabad sect during Purim, where she challenged gender norms by dressing as a Yoeli, a character from a rival Satmar sect.
The essay "Discarding Haman's Garb: Refusing the Roles of Empire" discusses Purim through a critical lens, highlighting how Haman, representing the threat to Jews, and King Ahasuerus, symbolizing the enabling of harm, play contrasting roles in the Purim narrative.
The episode discusses the mysterious disappearance of English princess Kate Middleton and the edited photo released by the Royal family, drawing parallels to Queen Esther from the Purim story who also had to hide her identity.
In New York City, there are unique and lesser-known Purim treats to enjoy beyond the traditional Hamantaschen.
Contemporary poetry's focus on finding profundity and wonder in ordinary experiences, rather than overtly religious themes, is explored in relation to the concept of "Purim Jews."