Tag: Rabban Gamliel

The text reflects on the legacy of Joe Lieberman, showcasing how his life embodied integrity and principle, drawing parallels from a Talmudic story about Rabban Gamliel.
The author shares their personal experience of feeling overwhelmed by recent tragic events related to Israel and anti-Semitism.
The author explores the origins of the siddur, the Jewish prayer book.
This text discusses the Jewish tradition of argument and controversy, highlighting its importance in seeking truth and fostering a robust and inclusive culture.
In Miriam Gedwiser's essay about revisiting the story of the Oven of Akhnai in Jewish tradition, she explores how the narrative on Bava Metzia 59a-b offers a fresh perspective on gender roles, interpersonal relationships, and the balance between ethics and law.
In Tractate Zevachim of the Talmud, the discussion revolves around what to do when a Temple offering becomes disqualified and ascends the altar by mistake.
The discussion revolves around the Talmudic prohibition against idol worship and the various nuances and challenges faced by Jews living in a society where idolatry was prevalent.
The discussion revolves around the concept of "tikkun olam," which traditionally meant implementing Jewish laws practically and fairly, then evolved into a mystical process of rectifying a broken world, eventually taking on a social justice and political dimension in the last half-century.
During the period between Elul and Sukkot, the mitzvah of Etrog holds great significance as Jews flock to stores in Meah Shearim to select their own etrogs, lulavs, and hadasim, with even the elderly making an effort to choose their own.