Tag: Rabbi Akiva

The discussion explores a Mishnah from Negaim, focusing on the diagnosis oftzaraat, a skin condition, in Jewish textual tradition.
The text reflects on the enduring significance of Tisha B'Av, highlighting how the destruction of the Temple and the mourning rituals bring forth memories of loss and abandonment.
Naomi Shemer's iconic song "Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (Jerusalem of Gold)" released in 1967 coincided with the momentous recapture of Jerusalem's Old City by Jewish forces, marking the first time in nearly two millennia that all of Jerusalem was under Jewish control.
In wrapping up the study of Tractate Gittin in the Talmud, readers confront the grounds for divorce under Jewish law.
The discussion delves into the significance and interpretations of the Song of Songs in Jewish tradition.
The article discusses the presence of a "fifth question" at Passover Seder - "When do we eat?" and presents a historical and halakhic comparison regarding the timing of the meal and traditions around it.
Literary critic Adam Kirsch explores Tractate Ketubot in the Talmud, emphasizing marriage and contract law as a subset of civil law.