Tag: Rabbinical Council Of America

The Chabad community has been divided for decades over whether Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, who passed away in 1994, could be the awaited Messiah.
The Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) has released a new edition of Hamadrikh, a handbook for the American rabbinate.
Rabbi Berel Wein played a crucial role in building the OU Kosher division.
In this article, Professor Tamar Ross clarifies her theology of revelation in response to criticism from other scholars.
In this article, Rabbi Seth Winberg argues that Orthodox rabbis need to take a stronger stance against guns, as they are the leading cause of death for children in the US.
Rav Hershel Schachter, a prominent posek in the Modern Orthodox community, reflects on how Covid-19 has impacted the halachic process.
The discussion revolves around whether individuals should read Shir ha-Shirim during the Covid-19 pandemic when synagogue services are limited.
The Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) recently released the Siddur Avodat ha-Lev, a new prayer book aimed at the Modern Orthodox community in the United States.
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the RCA Prenup, Rabbi Elazar Muskin discusses its impact on American Jewry with The Rabbinical Council of America and shares anecdotes highlighting the necessity of the prenuptial agreement to prevent cases of agunot.
The article discusses the decentralization of religious authority in Orthodox Jewish life due to the absence of universally recognized Torah giants like Moshe Feinstein and Menachem Schneerson.
A recent proclamation by 44 rabbis in Israel raised concerns about the Beth Din of America's halakhic prenuptial agreement, suggesting it might be problematic from a religious standpoint.
The Orthodox Union has recently adopted a policy prohibiting women from serving as clergy in its member congregations across the United States, prohibiting them from holding titles such as rabbi or performing clergy functions.
The text explores the evolution and controversy surrounding the Alenu prayer, specifically its historical anti-Gentile language targeting Christians.
The discussion delves into the historical and contemporary complexities surrounding conversions to Judaism, highlighting the ambivalence within rabbinic culture towards converts, the influence of ultra-Orthodox rabbis over conversion standards, and a scandal involving Rabbi Leib Tropper.