Tag: Religious Jews

The author reflects on recent events in Israeli society, including proposed changes to exemption laws for ultra-Orthodox individuals and a disturbing suicide of a reservist with PTSD.
The statement by the American Agudah's Moetzes expressing the Charedi position on military service exemption for yeshiva students in Israel has sparked controversy and raised questions.
The ongoing debate in Israel regarding Charedi military exemptions during times of war is causing a rift between Charedim and the rest of the country.
The author discusses the issue of settler violence in Israel, particularly by religious Zionist extremists.
In this essay, Rabbi Shai Held discusses the challenges faced by religious Jews on the left in light of recent events in Israel.
The New York Times published a correction after inaccurately characterizing Yiddish speakers as monolingual in an article.
In this article, written from a Centrist perspective, the author argues for a common sense approach to issues of modesty.
This article discusses the prevalence of hatred towards religious Jews and the unfair portrayal of Haredi Jews in the media.
The author discusses how religious Jews, particularly Haredim, became scapegoats during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a recent episode of "The Separation Contemplation Edition," Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the increasingly popular idea among progressive Israeli Jews of separating from more religious and right-wing Jews.
"Waiting for Moshe Right" discusses the portrayal of Modern Orthodox Jewish singles in the web series "Soon by You," highlighting the challenges and humor in the world of Orthodox dating in 21st century Manhattan.
A significant increase in French Jews making aliyah to Israel is driven by a growing sense of insecurity due to rising anti-Semitism in France.