Tag: Rosh Hashanah

Don Futterman, Noah Efron, and Naomi Zeveloff discuss significant topics including Trump cutting funding for Palestinian refugees, a surge in homeschooled Israeli children, reflections on the past year, and the challenge of American rabbis addressing Israel this Rosh Hashanah.
Emma Lazarus creatively captures the spirit of Rosh Hashanah 5643 in her poem, reflecting on the challenges faced by Eastern European Jews and the hope for a better future.
The author recounts their experience leading Rosh Hashanah services for Jewish inmates at Rikers Island, emphasizing the profound impact of connecting with the incarcerated individuals on a personal level.
Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira, in a sermon from 1930, presented a parable about a wise king's attempts to share his wisdom with his subjects through his son.
The article delves into the nature of Rosh Hashanah as a day of judgment, focusing not just on human self-reflection and repentance but also on God's role as the judge.
The author reflects on their childhood synagogue days, reminiscing about the diverse characters that populated their memories, including The Voice, Mr. A., and Mendel Gamse.
Fish holds significant symbolism for Jews, denoting immortality, fertility, and the bond between the Jewish people and the Torah.
Breads Bakery in Manhattan is introducing its own Rosh Hashanah honey by installing beehives on its rooftop, moving towards sustainability and local sourcing.
As the fall holiday season approaches, the Jewish Review of Books reflects on past issues and web articles, selecting 10 favorites that correspond with the themes of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah to create an ebook for readers.
The Jewish calendar, established with scientific knowledge, employs the Metonic cycle to synchronize lunar and solar years, ensuring Passover aligns with spring.
The text examines the story of the Binding of Isaac from the perspective of whether Abraham failed the test imposed by God.
During High Holidays services, many synagogue-goers engage in sneak-reading, bringing a variety of books to dive into when the lengthy prayers become overwhelming or they seek additional spiritual connection.
The article discusses the Jewish ritual of Kapparot, where a chicken is waved around one's head as a form of atonement.
Israeli volunteers from the ZAKA search and rescue organization recovered the body of Rabbi Haim Ashkenazi from a collapsed office building in Mexico following a devastating earthquake.
After a severe earthquake struck Mexico, killing over 200 people, Israel swiftly mobilized a search and rescue team to assist in the aftermath.
"U-netaneh Tokef, a central prayer of the High Holy Days attributed to Rabbi Amnon of Mainz, focuses on themes of God's judgment, human powerlessness, and the eternal nature of God. The phrase 'ki-halom yauf' ('like a fleeting dream') within the prayer emphasizes the transitory nature of life and the significance of fleeting moments. The prayer's endurance through time is linked to a legend involving a dream and hints at the impact of seemingly insignificant actions. The High Holy Days, particularly Rosh Hashanah, discourage sleeping to emphasize active introspection and repentance over passive dreaming. The prayer underscores the importance of repentance, prayer, and charity in shaping one's fate."
The text delves into the significance of the U-netaneh Tokef prayer in the High Holy Days liturgy, focusing on the phrase "ki-halom yauf" (like a fleeting dream) as a central theme.
Jamie Geller shares nostalgic memories and diverse culinary influences that shaped her love for traditional Jewish foods in a Rosh Hashanah-themed piece.
A woman who used to celebrate Rosh Hashanah in an Orthodox synagogue reflects on her changing observance of the holiday as she embarks on a physically challenging hike through Zion National Park with her husband.
In the 11th century, a Jewish man from Afghanistan named Yair faced personal and financial struggles, seeking advice from his family's patriarch and brother-in-law.
Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur are traditionally times for prayer and introspection, seeking atonement and blessings for the coming year.
In this personal reflection, the author shares their experience of welcoming their fiancé Ian into Judaism as he embarks on the conversion process.
Honey cake, a traditional staple on Rosh Hashanah tables, is undergoing a modern revival.
The article discusses the significance of the band Steely Dan in relation to Rosh Hashanah and the biblical text of 1 Samuel.
This article recounts the special connection the author's mother, Pearl, had with her Aunt Eva's cookies, a family recipe passed down through generations.