Tag: Second Intifada

Professor Benny Morris, a prominent Israeli historian known for revolutionizing Israeli historiography, especially regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, shares his views on various pressing issues in Israeli history and politics.
The essay discusses why there is no Palestinian state, highlighting the historical background and challenges to achieving a resolution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
Tablet Paris discusses the resilience and pride of French Jews in the face of challenges, contrasting it with the current schism within American Jewry post-Oct.
Former IDF combat soldier Elazar Weiss reflects on his personal journey from believing in Israel's just cause to empathizing with Palestinians and recognizing the shared trauma between the two peoples.
Some attendees at the 2024 Academy Awards wore red Artists4Ceasefire pins to show support for a ceasefire in Gaza.
A brief overview of the modern history of Gaza, covering major events like the 1948 War of Independence, the 1967 6-Day War, the Oslo Accords, the Disengagement in 2005, and Hamas' rule over the region.
The video discusses the Palestinian Authority's controversial "Martyr's Fund," which financially compensates the families of Palestinian terrorists, despite international efforts to abolish this "pay to slay" policy and its impact on incentivizing terrorism.
The surge in antisemitism following the Hamas terror attack on Israel was not surprising to CST, an organization with a 30-year history of monitoring and combating anti-Jewish hatred.
The word "intifada" has become central to pro-Palestinian protests, with some viewing it as a call for violence against Jews and others seeing it as a peaceful term calling for a nonviolent uprising against Israeli occupation.
The article discusses Olivier Assayas' film "Carlos," which explores the life of Venezuelan-born terrorist Illich Ramírez Sánchez, also known as Carlos.
The recent attack by Hamas on Israel, resulting in a death toll of 700 soldiers and civilians, has led some to describe it as the bloodiest day for Jews since the Holocaust.
Jewish organizations are urging the extradition of Ahlam Tamimi, the Jordanian national who was involved in the 2001 terrorist attack at a Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem.
Martin Indyk, a former State Department official and ex-ambassador to Israel, expressed his despair and disillusionment over Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas's recent antisemitic speech justifying the Holocaust.
In a podcast, Mordechai Kedar discusses the recent increase in terrorism in the West Bank.
The article discusses a plan by the Biden administration to create a 5,000-strong Palestinian force in the West Bank that would supposedly fight terrorism.
In a recent podcast episode, Israeli analyst Shany Mor discusses the recent surge in terrorist attacks in Israel, which had previously experienced a period of relative calm.
In this podcast episode, Shany Mor discusses the recent surge of terrorist attacks in Israel after a period of relative calm since the Second Intifada.
Aharon Appelfeld, a Jewish writer, reflects on the state of the world in 2016, lamenting the loss of a central authority and the fragmentation of society into provinces.
The 20th anniversary of the second intifada, marked on September 29th, prompted reflections on its lasting impact.
In this retrospective on the twentieth anniversary of the Second Intifada, Palestinian Affairs Correspondent Gal Berger reflects on the importance of this period of unrest.
This article discusses the friendship and art-making collaboration between two artists, Hadass Gertman (Jewish) and Faten Elwi (Arab), amidst the backdrop of the Second Intifada.
This editorial reflects on James Bennet's memo from 15 years ago, which discussed the use of the term "terrorism" in news coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
"Harpoon: Inside the Covert War Against Terrorism's Money Masters" delves into the story of Meir Dagan, a former Mossad director, who revolutionized Israeli counterterrorism by targeting the financial roots of terrorist organizations.
The text discusses the evolving international perception of Israel post-1967, attributing the shift to various factors such as the revolutionary left's support for Palestinian causes, the Arab oil embargo, the academic influence of Edward Said redefining Zionism negatively, and Likud government policies contributing to Israel's declining global image.
Eliaz Cohen, an Israeli poet and Religious Zionist living in the West Bank, addresses the challenge faced by settler-artists in his work.