Tag: Sefaria

The JPS Tanakh: Gender-Sensitive Edition, also known as Revised JPS (RJPS), offers a new translation of the Bible with a focus on gender sensitivity.
Exploring the concept of giant grapes in the Parshah, this episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole delves into record-setting watermelons.
The YouTube video titled "In Search of Moses' Trumpets | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep. 36 (Behaalosecha)" delves into the topic of a pair of Trumpets that belonged to Moses, accompanied by a source sheet for further exploration.
Exploration of various unconventional concepts in the Torah portion Nasso involving potion, wine, and dreams with a diverse panel of guests on the Parshah Rabbit Hole.
Exploring the significance and power behind flags, delving into various topics including dragons and Disney World in this episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole.
The YouTube video delves into a Torah verse featuring discrepancies in ratios, leading to an exploration of nuclear physics in episode 33 of Parshah Rabbit Hole titled "Checking The Torah's MATH."
The video explores the tale of a mythical monster whose remains are employed in dark magic in the context of Parshat Kedoshim.
Exploring the eerie realm of Azazel and demons in Parshah Acharei, the 29th episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole delves into mysterious goat-like entities with a warning of the content's potential scariness.
Unpublished writings and out-of-print work by the late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, former Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom, will soon be available online.
The author discusses the interpretation of the Haftorah portion from the book of Yeshaya (Isaiah), which is traditionally read on the Sabbath before Tisha B'Av.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Joshua Foer, co-founder of Sefaria, discusses the creation of the revolutionary digital Jewish library.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Joshua Foer, co-founder of Sefaria, discusses the creation of a comprehensive digital library for Jewish texts.
Sefaria, a digital Jewish library, is addressing the gender disparity in Jewish texts by supporting a group of 20 women Torah scholars in writing new books.
The article highlights the digitization of Jewish knowledge, particularly the Hebrew calendar, through the collaboration of technical experts with religious backgrounds.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck gave a special shiur (lesson) in Hebrew, addressing various topics.
Advances in technology and growing interest among women have led to an uptick in women studying Talmud.
Recent advancements in AI and digital technology have significantly impacted Torah study, particularly through the digitization of classical Jewish texts led by projects like the Bar-Ilan Responsa Project and Sefaria.