Tag: Shiur

In this episode, the focus is on various aspects of the Von Braun issue, along with insights into the speaker's father's college experiences and seizing opportunities.
This episode discusses the life of Korczak, focusing on his Jewish responses and actions despite his lack of formal Jewish education.
The writer shares a mix of humorous and serious anecdotes, including a nerve-wracking experience at JFK Immigration, meeting Ben Shapiro, and giving a shiur at his house.
The episode discusses the governmental crisis during the Gaza War, exploring the challenges in modern government structures and why there is a crisis currently.
In this Shiur, the hosts explore various fears that people commonly experience and discuss strategies for overcoming them.
The episode discusses the challenges of translating the Tanach, particularly from Hebrew to English.
In this Shiur, the discussion revolves around various aspects of Tefillah and the decorum in Shul.
In this shiur, the discussion focuses on the concept of kovea ittim, or setting designated times for Torah learning.
In this Shiur (lecture), the topic of discussion is the concept of being "in the box" and whether the derech (path) of Jewish observance has become too narrow.
This shiur discusses strategies for dealing with difficult people and whether it is necessary to be ashmata (soft-spoken) when doing so.
In this Shiur, several Jewish scholars discuss the Torah's approach to the Roe v. Wade case, challenging the assumption that the Torah's stance on the matter is straightforward.
This episode delves into practical ways to incorporate the teachings of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky into daily life, aiming to gain a comprehensive knowledge of Torah.
In this episode, the discussion focuses on the wide-reaching impact of Rav Chaim Kanievsky within Israeli Jewry, examining what made him special and why his loss was deeply felt across various Jewish communities.
This episode discusses Spinoza's motivations for his major life decision, explores the historical understanding of the term philosophy compared to modern times, and looks at the distinction between philosophy and science.
In this Shiur, delivered by Dovid Lichtenstein at the Mir, the question of sacrificing a few to save the many is examined in various contexts.
In this Shiur 360 episode, the guest hosts discuss various battles against the preservation of Judaism in Eretz Yisroel.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck gave a special shiur (lesson) in Hebrew, addressing various topics.
This is a promotional announcement for a Yom Kippur shiur (lecture) by Rabbi Joseph Dweck.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the mission statement of The Habura, a virtual and physical Bet Midrash with international membership.