Tag: Social Issues

Jeff Michaels, a 54-year-old hedge-fund portfolio manager from Mountain Lakes, NJ, and a Conservative Jew, expresses concern about America's economy under both Trump and Biden administrations, emphasizing social issues like democracy and rights.
This article discusses the issue of singlehood within the Jewish community, particularly in Orthodox circles.
This article discusses the issue of singlehood within the Orthodox Jewish community.
In this article, the author discusses a situation involving their daughter Sori and Toby, the child of their neighbor Lanni.
The podcast focuses on a recently published article by Abe Greenwald in COMMENTARY titled "The Trust Crisis," exploring why Americans have shifted from being trusting of their country and institutions to being highly skeptical and distrusting.
The podcast discusses whether the current social malaise in America, characterized by phenomena like increased resignations and shoplifting, is a temporary January slump or a more prolonged period of depression.
The COMMENTARY podcast discusses the phenomenon of "crisis fatigue" among progressives, where the constant exposure to crises does not lead ordinary people to become crisis-mongers.
In a podcast discussion, the topic of elite condescension and credentialism is highlighted, focusing on how the elite often believe they know best in advising on how to communicate to encourage responsible behavior during the pandemic and how credentialism can hinder social mobility, further benefiting those who are already privileged.
In this article, the author reflects on the recent passing of their grandfather, Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, and their grief during a time of national crisis, including the COVID-19 pandemic and protests against systemic racism.
"Not Our Kind" by Kitty Zeldis, reminiscent of Proust's work, is set in postwar America and follows a recent Jewish graduate who becomes a tutor for a wealthy family while facing anti-Semitism.
Rabbi Sharon Brous explains her decision to vote for President Obama, urging thoughtful Jewish voters to consider two key points regardless of personal opinions: not to base their vote on unfounded fears regarding Obama's support for Israel, as his actions demonstrate strong backing for the country, and not to dismiss significant policy differences between Romney and Obama, highlighting Romney's shifting stances and the potential impact of conservative influences.