Tag: State Department

President Biden's recent decision to block some weapons shipments to Israel is not unprecedented, as five of his predecessors had also withheld arms from Israel in the past.
A US State Department report highlighted credible violations of international law by Israel in its conflict with Hamas but advised against cutting defense aid to Israel, citing steps taken to minimize harm to civilians amid the challenges of fighting a group embedded among civilians in Gaza.
The State Department released a report acknowledging that Israel likely violated international law in Gaza, pointing out incidents inconsistent with humanitarian law.
Amidst internal meetings at the State Department, concerns have been raised about U.S. policy towards Israel and Gaza, with some employees advocating for harsher actions against Israel.
Ezra Weinblatt, the son of a well-known rabbi in the Washington D.C. area, was arrested after an altercation with protesters outside the Israeli Embassy, where he allegedly pushed individuals and damaged their sound equipment.
Congress recently increased funding for the State Department's special envoy to combat antisemitism, led by Ambassador Deborah Lipstadt, from $1.5 million to $1.75 million, despite overall budget cuts in the department.
In a series of events starting from October 7, some American Jews have observed a perceived shift in President Biden's stance towards Israel, with concerns escalating regarding his actions that seem detrimental to Israel's interests.
Yael Lempert, the Jewish-American ambassador in Amman, took office with a focus on diplomacy and cultural understanding, including shared priorities of economic growth and water security in Jordan.
The U.S. Senate has declined to consider a bill introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders to assess whether Israel is complying with U.S. human rights laws regarding the aid it receives.
Josh Paul and Adam Ramer will be joining a Zoom call to discuss the cost of conscience in Washington.
The US has admitted Israel into the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), which allows Israeli citizens to travel to the US without visas.
Martin Indyk, a former State Department official and ex-ambassador to Israel, expressed his despair and disillusionment over Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas's recent antisemitic speech justifying the Holocaust.
The latest controversy surrounding Robert Malley, the Biden administration's special envoy for Iran, raises concerns about a potential mole in the State Department.
The U.S. State Department has condemned Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir for his controversial statement that Jewish rights to freedom of movement in the West Bank are more important than those of Arab residents.
The article discusses the potential peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel and the challenges in reaching an agreement.
The Biden administration is in the process of selecting the next U.S. ambassador to Israel, despite expectations that the nomination would be delayed until after the 2024 elections.
A group of Republican senators is threatening to block the confirmation of administration nominees unless the State Department rescinds a ban on US scientific research projects in Israeli settlements in the West Bank.
The U.S. State Department faces a dilemma as diplomat Fritz Berggren, known for operating a racist and antisemitic blog, remains employed due to First Amendment protections despite calls for his dismissal.
The "Disinfo Dictionary" provides brief descriptions of various terms related to disinformation, censorship, and government control over media and information.
Deborah E. Lipstadt faced a long-delayed confirmation hearing for the position of antisemitism envoy, with Senate Republicans challenging her qualifications based on a tweet accusing Sen. Ron Johnson of white supremacy.
The text raises questions about Joe Biden's recent anti-Israel personnel decisions at the State Department and his refusal to engage with Benjamin Netanyahu.
The Trump administration's State Department plans to defund international non-profit organizations that support the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.
Ellie Cohanim, the assistant special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism in the State Department, shares her journey from Tehran to her current position in the Trump administration.
This article discusses how Donald Trump's upcoming visit to Israel highlights the complexities of the Middle East and U.S. foreign policy.
Dennis Ross, a prominent figure involved in U.S.-Israel relations for decades, presents a historical analysis in his book "Doomed to Succeed: The U.S.-Israel Relationship from Truman to Obama."