Tag: Syria

The video explores the circumstances leading to the Six Day War in 1967, analyzing Israel's vulnerabilities, threats, and surrounding tensions with the Arab countries in the region.
The video delves into the historical significance of the Six Day War, where Israel emerged victorious against four Arab armies in a brief timespan, leading to ongoing territorial disputes.
The cancellation of Israel's ski season at Mount Hermon due to ongoing security threats has had a ripple effect of economic hardship in the north.
In this article, the author reflects on the possibility of Israel ceasing to exist.
Israeli Knesset member Danny Danon has suggested voluntary population transfer as an option for Gaza residents, with South American and African countries expressing interest in accepting Palestinian Arab refugees in return for monetary compensation.
In October 2021, Hamas carried out a massacre that claimed the lives of over 1,200 Israelis.
This 1975 article reflects on the mistakes made by Israeli leadership during the Yom Kippur War.
This post discusses a conversation between Middle East analyst Aaron David Miller and former NPR host Robert Siegel about the Israel-Hamas war.
This photo essay commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, focusing on the story of Nadira, a refugee who was forced to leave her home in Palestine in 1948 and subsequently became a refugee again in Syria in 2014 due to violence.
Haaretz Military Correspondent Amos Harel and journalist Neri Zilber discuss the recent security events in Jerusalem, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and the West Bank, assessing the possibility of a full-scale war, the IDF's response to protests, Defense Minister Yoav Galant's reinstatement, and the potential crisis surrounding the conscription of ultra-Orthodox individuals into the army.
Haaretz Military Correspondent Amos Harel and journalist Neri Zilber discuss the recent security events during the holiday period, including escalating tensions in Jerusalem, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and the West Bank.
This text discusses President Joe Biden's actions and potential impact on international relations.
In this podcast, security expert Aaron MacLean explores the United States' credibility in the face of various conflicts.
In a podcast discussion, Israeli strategic planning expert Udi Evental analyzes the war in Ukraine and its connection to Putin's actions in Syria.
"Roundabout of Death" is a novel by Faysal Khartash that provides a realistic and minimalist account of the war in Syria, particularly in Aleppo.
The author shares his experiences of living a double life in Damascus, Syria, under the oppressive regime.
In her book "Reporting the Middle East on High Heels," Ksenia Svetlova, a former Member of Knesset and journalist, shares her firsthand experiences and insights on the Middle East.
The author argues that Turkey, under President Erdogan, is becoming a threat to Europe and the wider Mediterranean region.
The article discusses the foreign policy challenges that Joe Biden would face if he wins the US presidential election.
In this podcast episode, Muriel Asseburg of the German foreign policy think tank SWP discusses the challenges faced by the EU in dealing with conflicts in the Middle East, such as Syria, Yemen, and Libya, while also trying to maintain a clear stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Muriel Asseburg of the German think tank SWP discusses the challenges faced by the EU in navigating conflicts in Syria, Yemen, and Libya while maintaining a clear stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Israeli Elizabeth Tsurkov, rare for having visited Syria amidst the ongoing conflict, conducted interviews with a wide array of Syrians including Kurdish fighters, ISIS supporters, and Alawites about the country's future.
Elizabeth Tsurkov, a rare Israeli visitor to Syria during the war, conducted extensive interviews with various groups like Kurdish fighters, ISIS supporters, and Alawites to understand the future of the country.
Evan Gottesman discusses Israel's actions against Iranian proxies in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq with Sima Shine from the Institute for National Security Studies.
Israel has been implementing a strategy called Mabam to counter Iran's activities in Syria, prevent Hezbollah's influence on its northern border, maintain neutrality in the Syrian civil war, and avoid conflicts with Russian forces.